dimanche 27 janvier 2008
Pastor E. Dewey Smith The Most Inspirational Person of 2007.

samedi 26 janvier 2008
Obama Makes History.

Saturday, boosted by a significant turnout of black voters, he won the South Carolina primary.
The win sends Obama into the next phase of the campaign with renewed momentum after losing to Clinton in New Hampshire and Nevada in successive weeks.
Black voters reversed what had been a clear preference for Clinton before Obama's victory in Iowa. Too Mes Duex Cents and Field Negro I hope it don't comeback to hurt Obama. But, Feb 5 is Super Tuesday in Alabama so we will see what the other Southerns think.
The President and 1st Lady.

When every thing that can go wrong do.
When you are push up against the wall.
When all hell break lose.
When you don't have any one to turn too.
When the White man/ Black Man is on your back.
When the Dr. give you a bad report.
You can turn around and see who got your
back that is a good thing.
Is this not a beautiful picture?
Don't they look gorgeous together?
Until death do us part.
In sickness and health.
In good times and bad.
Intervention And African Americans.

Each Intervention episode ends with a surprise intervention that is staged by the family and friends of the alcohol of drug addict, and which is conducted by one of four Intervention specialists. Why aren't more Africa American feature on the show? Is it the lack of finances or we don't think we need the help? When it come to stupid stuff like the Flavor of Love or I love New York we are not short on people who want to be part of this mess. So what's up with this? I think the show help raise the awareness about the alternatives and treatment options available to those who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction.
vendredi 25 janvier 2008
What Was Wrong With Obama Church?

The Democratic candidate spoke to the popular religious Web site beliefnet.com and highly respected Christianity Today magazine to set the record straight that he is a “devoted” Christian and never was a Muslim.
“I have been a member of the same church for almost 20 years, and I have never practiced Islam,” Obama stated in a Christianity Today interview posted Wednesday. “I am respectful of the religion, but it’s not my own.”
“It wasn’t an epiphany. I didn’t ‘fall out,’ as they say in the black church,” Obama noted. “It was an emotional and spiritual progression, as well as an intellectual one. And it didn’t happen overnight.”
He said he prays everyday on the campaign trail, and before running for president, to be an “instrument of God’s will.” The often described charismatic candidate said he applies the Golden Rule to campaign politics, being challenged by his faith to be respectful and courteous to everyone, including his political opponents.
jeudi 24 janvier 2008
A Flag Of Hate.
I love Alabama! When you say Alabama some people automatic think of that flag,or cotton. I hope one day we can put that flag to rest. Not the one that is flying but, the one that is in our hearts. We can take that one down and still have hatred in our hearts.
This controversial flag waves in full color red, white and blue. It has stripes and stars and a place in our past but shouldn't be in our present or future. I live in Alabama and I see this flag a lot. Some people have it in their front yards. I don't have a problem with that. But when you live and work with so much racism you all most, have no feeling toward stupid people. To go to Atlanta and see so many blacks doing great in spite of this flag is wonderful.
History will tell us that the Confederate flag originally symbolized Southern pride, unity and courage in the Civil War. Soldiers of the Confederacy gave their blood for it.
But since the 1860s, the "Southern Cross" has signify black hatred and oppression that drove that era's slavery, segregation and racial ignorance.
The flag's meaning, sadly, has changed because of its misuse.
So how can anyone in America unfold this flag today? Because, thanks to America's freedom of expression, they can. That doesn't mean they should.
Many people don't see the shame stitched into this cloth. For them, the flag is as much a part of their Deep South roots as the America flag but without regard to America's past.
"You can't separate the historical politics of the Confederacy from the symbolism of the flag. It's all one in the same "Honestly, the waving of the Confederate flag should be an insult, not only to blacks but to any open-minded, free-thinking individual who knows their history. So, how do you see this flag?
Is Your Piercing Worth Your Job?

I am not attacking any one who has piercing. But if you worked for a company that had adopted a no piercing policy and, you have a piercing what would you do quit or remove it? And it's your dream job. And by the way I can clearly see it.
Nose? Eyebrow? Tongue? Are some facial piercings more acceptable than others? Is it about the location? What about earrings on guys? Is there an age limited to piercing?
You know that CBS gave Ed Bradley hell about his earring when he 1st gotten it.
I won't judge a person base on a piercing but, when they are all over your face. You kinda question why. In my area I see a lot of young white kids with piercing. Some are in the medical field. Is there a double standard when it comes to somethings?
mercredi 23 janvier 2008
Paula It is Not About You.

Paula White is stating that the Apostle Paul is boring. Why don't you Smile when you say that, Paula! Here is some of what she had to say.
White says that Paul never took hermeneutics, never took homiletics, that he was boring (says she NEVER puts anybody to sleep). But do not worry, according to her, it doesn’t matter because what we need isn’t PREACHING anyway. Instead, what we need anyway is “a word from the Lord.”
Well, Paula, I’ll give you a word from the Lord! “PREACH THE WORD” 2 Tim. 4:2. Paula? What we need ISN’T preaching????
I have to wonder how Paula might have assessed those in Nehemiah’s day? “They stood up in their place and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord for ONE FOURTH OF THE DAY, and for ANOTHER FOURTH they confessed and worshipped the Lord their God” Neh. 9:3. Paula, all that lasted one half of a day. Was that boring too in your opinion? They also stood for all that but I surmise that Paula would NOT have stood for that! Not in 4 inch heels.
Paula, you should also consider that Paul wrote the majority of the New testament. Do you also believe that the Pauline epistles are boring? Perhaps so because you and the other prosperity preachers spend the majority of your time attempting to justify prosperity in the Old Testament. Why? Because there aren’t any New Testament verses about prosperity. Paula, you could use a great deal more boring messages from Paul. You really could!
mardi 22 janvier 2008
Would Dr.King Drive A Bentley?

Would Dr. King embraced the prosperity Gospel? Would Dr. King drive his Bentley through the neighbor hood in which he just fleece the Sunday before? Would he watch a whole generation of young people kill off each other and nothing about it?
Would Dr. King watch as our young women become less than zero? Would Dr.King watch as more prisons are build to house our young men? Dr. King was more that a preacher/pastor he was a fighter for his people. I don't think we can put any issues at the alter and the foot of any of our present pastor/preacher feet.
People failed to know or appreciate how King's Christian background as a Baptist preacher and ties to the Black Church influenced his political involvement. The civil rights movement was a political movement but it was also a church movement.
lundi 21 janvier 2008
Gospel My Way.

I will say it again I have a problem when the Gospel is used in this way. If you have been gifted with a voice I don't think that gift is for competition for big business. I could be wrong but that is not what your gift is for. What do you think? Is it been used in the wrong way?
Burger King has an online contest that combines the Super Bowl, gospel singing, and user-uploaded content. The unusual combination is part of a “My Song, My Way” campaign that first surfaced this week.
Participants must upload an acapella video performance to enter, and winning contestants will receive an all-expenses-paid vacation to Super Bowl XLII in Phoenix, Arizona. The winners will also be invited to perform alongside NFL players at the Super Bowl Gospel Celebration, which takes place at Phoenix Symphony Hall.
dimanche 20 janvier 2008
The Dress Up-Mental.

Can Life Shut You Down?

Death is universal, everybody dies, but not everyone lives I don’t know how long I’m going to live….It doesn’t make any difference to me. If I die tomorrow, that’s fine. I’m ready to go, but I want to live until that last moment.
Have you heard of a Retirement Syndrome? that brings depression, anxieties, frustrations, suicide etc. Do you know that you can be bored to death?
For years, I’ve noticed that my mother would often shut down.
My mother shut down to me when she had a look in her eyes like any day now I am ready to go home to get my reward. My mother was 70 years of age when said made her transition to the other side. She had a passionate for fishing she would fish all day and come home with no fish. Were is the fish? she would say "I didn't even get a nibble."
Up until that point, she had lived with purpose and direction. She had even been passionate about some other aspect of her life. But something happens. The children all left home. You could see the boredom in her eyes. I am thinking, my mother had a look in her eyes like she was ready to go home. It was just her and my father at home. When you have raised 10 children and then find your self all by your self I think you do give up.
"I want to live until that last moment." No matter the age, circumstances, etc., I want to live. I don’t want to have the boredom glaze in my eyes one day. I don’t want to coast, being passive and just waiting for something to happen.
I am grateful that the life that we receive through Jesus is not based on what is happening to me externally. With Jesus, my life is not meaningless or purposeless at any moment. Nor, is the value of my life dependent on the value that others place on it.
Does a person really have to shut down? Have you experienced the temptation to do so? Have you known other people who go through various experiences and stages of life but who always seem to keep their passion for God and for really living?
samedi 19 janvier 2008
Why Are Black American Smitten By This Car?

I was listening to a radio program one morning and they were talking about the Chrysler 300. Some one was saying that it was made especially for the black man. It was said that most black people see it as the closest they will get too a luxury car like a Bentley. I do see more black people driving that car. Is there a thing as a car for the black man? If so would it be the Chrysler 300? If not which would it be? That is one car that can cause me to turn my head every time. I do know that a brother design it. What do you think could this be true?
Mike Carey Will Be First African-American Referee in Super Bowl History.

Last year, the Indianapolis Colts' Tony Dungy became the first African-American head coach to win a Super Bowl. Twenty years ago, Doug Williams of the Washington Redskins became the first African-American quarterback to win a Super Bowl.
This year, Mike Carey will become the first African-American to referee a Super Bowl.
Carey, in his 18th year as an official, was notified by the NFL office this week he had the assignment for the Feb. 3 game in Glendale, Ariz. The NFL will not officially announce the assignments until the week of the Super Bowl.
Super Bowl officials are chosen on merit, with the highest ranked at each position getting the assignment. Carey, who runs a skiing accessories company, has been among the NFL's top crew chiefs for a decade and has been a Super Bowl alternate, but has never been the referee.
Of all active referees, Carey has ejected the most players ... most notably the late Sean Taylor in the Redskins playoff victory over the Buccaneers in 2006. Taylor spit in the face of Bucs running back Michael Pittman.
Mid Life Crisis!

Steve Harvey wants men to know: "At 50, you are still fly." And to prove it, he shaved his head and began exercising. What about women, are they not beautiful and fine at 50? Didn't he just trade in his wife for a younger version?
What is so fly about that! Why is it hard for some men to except were they are in life? Steve! have you heard about Mid Life Crisis. That's what it sound like to me. Because some one say your over the hill don't make it so. In a interview in Jet magazine, the actor-comedian says he began his transformation after talking to a listener on his radio program.
The girl said he was over the hill. Wow! just by saying your over the hill cause you to wake up and start telling men at 50 they are not over the hill. He said that shaving his head was a spiritual thing. It has been reported that it was a lace front wig. It is nothing wrong with wigs if you can't except the lost of hair.
Men seems to have a hard time with this. It is nothing wrong with a bald head my husband has one. I rather see the bald head than hair only on the sides. Do you find me with a bald head sexy? Do men have a harder time transition from one season of life to the next or do women?
vendredi 18 janvier 2008
The Love of Sisters.

I have some wonderful sisters too. We grew up as a close knit family. We always had someone to play Hide and seek or tag you're it. We shared beds together ate our meals together. The people that know us can't believe the relationship we have with each other.
I am the oldest at 50 the youngest is 39 years old. I know that is a lot of babies. I wouldn't give nothing for my sisters. We have mad respect for each other. We visit each other weekly. We know who is going threw what, and what we can do to help we do. I also know sister that can not stand each other. When I meet sister that don't like each other, I always wonder how can you not love someone that you shared the same womb with. I don't take our relationship for granted.
All 6 of them got their own ways, so I deal with them according to who they are. Growing up I had one fight with my sister that is next to me( I lost the fight). That is the only fight that I ever had. She put a scratch in my face to show who the boss was our mom did not like it and we never came to blows again. Do you have sisters? Are you close with your sister? If not Why? If you could change it would you?
jeudi 17 janvier 2008
The Black Church and Voting.

I did some research on the black church and it's role in voting. The Southern black church -- once the engine of voter registration drives and other civil rights efforts -- has been largely transformed, political historians say. Instead of building political power, many of the most prominent black churches now focus mainly on building wealth. The so-called "prosperity ministries" began blossoming in the Reagan era, matured in the late '90s and have grown, in many cases, into megachurches.
Their approach to ministry, experts said, has influenced black theology, political participation and delivery of services in poor communities.
Megachurches such as the Potter's House in Dallas, Atlanta's World Changers Ministries, Chicago's Christ Universal Temple and Los Angeles' Crenshaw Christian Center preach a theology of material prosperity, teaching that God didn't call his children to a life of poverty.
As a result of these and other changes, the generation that fought for voting rights for African-Americans _ and that used the church as a center for mobilizing popular will _ now watches, often with a tinge of disappointment, as seminars on tithing and fiscal management replace candidate forums and other overtly political activities.
The message has moved from community empowerment to individual prosperity.
The thinking is that if individuals rise, so will the rest of the community. That is a complete reversal from the mission of the black church during slavery reconstruction and civil rights.
Once the black church was needed for education, social justice and political activism, because segregation had shut black people out of the mainstream of American life. The church was the only institution then _ and still is in some marginalized communities.
Black churches need to keep a political focus because traditionally, black churchgoers have been far more likely than their white counterparts to hear political speeches or be encouraged to register to vote at their places of worship.
With the presidential election just more than months away, organizers nationwide are working overtime to register black voters and encourage them to turn out. The work is harder, some say, if black churches are largely engaged in other activities.
Do you think that politicians pimp the black church? Why did our Mission as the black church change? Who/ When did it change?
mercredi 16 janvier 2008
The Devil Is On His Job.( What about the Church?)

I'm sure every one is familiar with Hip - Hop Music. There has been many argument in regarding lyrics corrupting today's youth. This is not an attack on rap or Hip- Hop. I am looking at this from a Christian and a parent point of view. What's popular now is Crank That by a young man who goes by the name of Soulja Boy. He has two lines that most people would publicly say was offensive language. What is the drawing power behind this song?
Only in America do you have all types of people screaming Superman that Ho on videos uploaded onto YouTube. Why have our young people embrace mess like this? Every where you turn you here this song. The enemy sure knows how to get our attention. My son and I was discussion this song, when he started to tell me what the song meant. What could make a 15 year old put lyrics like that to music? The Enemy is so smart that he hide it in a way that even the masses could not detected it. Think about the lyric, you would have never guess that unless someone broke it down for you.
"Super Soak that Ho" and "Superman that HO". It easy to guess what "Super Soak that Ho" is... This would be the act of cu..... on a female like a water gun. Now it took him a minute to explain what "Supermaning" a Ho was... When having sex from behind to ejaculate on her back. After she falls asleep you put a sheet on her back where you just cu..... on her back. When she wakes up the sheet will be dried to her back so when she stands up it looks like she has a cape on. What is wrong with this picture? I kn0w that money is behind all this, but what about respect for females ?
Now this is what my 24 year old son says that what it mean. This young man who goes by the name of Soulja Boy is 15 years old. We can't say this is boys been boys. You see all ages getting into this Crank That. If the lyrics means whats been posted in this thread. This song has been embrace by main stream America we got problems. What your take on the meaning and the lyric? Soulja Boy has the most up loaded video on You tube for the year 2007.
The Return Of The Idol.

A billion dollar franchise is on the line. Were do these people come from that end up on camera? Why don't their family tell them they can't sing so they want keep making a fool out of them selves? To be sure, American Idol's not going anywhere soon. But even the show's biggest fans have to admit that there's a little something wrong with the Fox network's golden goose last time out.
I think the problem stretches back to 06 season, the show's most-watched edition, in which disappointing, charisma-less winner,Taylor Hicks, rode to victory on the backs of older American.
Things can only get worse this season, as a field of lackluster contestants come and go.
Last night we saw the nuts come out. Here's a few ideas:
ACTIVELY RECRUIT CONTESTANTS. When open casting calls kept attracting the same kind of people then recruited a more diverse group that helped revitalize the program.
Idol expands its open casting calls every year, yet the same nuts increasingly lineup. Sparks was even rejected from the Los Angeles auditions (she won a contest that flew her to Seattle for another try), and Doolittle only auditioned because she was accompanying a friend.
Idol overseas had the same problem; eventually, the same sorts of contestants keep showing up to open casting calls, and more compelling talents refuse to debase themselves by submitting to the process. Time to take the initiative and find new voices.
UPGRADE THE CELEBRITY COACHES. NOW. Every celebrity mentor who performed on Idol sounds markedly worse than the contestants themselves. And some - say, disco icon Barry Gibb - have little connection to the current pop scene.
It's time for coaches who are better performers and teachers. Who wouldn't tune in to see Prince or even Michael Jackson put these kids through some changes?
COMBINE JUDGES' VOTES WITH THE PUBLIC'S. One of the biggest post-Idol problems for winners such as Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino and Taylor Hicks is that their musical styles are not the most popular genres, limiting their chances to live up to the Idol title. More guidance is needed from the presumed industry experts.
Replace PAULA It sounds awful to say, but Paula have some issues. When ever a young man step up to the mic that is attracted the camera go straight to Paula.
STOP PADDING THE SHOWS. The trade magazine Variety noted every week that ratings for Wednesday Idol editions are far higher than for Tuesday; nearly a third of Wednesday's audience just tuned in for the ejection episode and hadn't watched the competition on Tuesday.
Time to stop filling out episodes. Cut the results show back to a half-hour and don't even think about interrupting the competition for a week of charity fundraising. Cool at is was to see Idol raise $70-million for the needy, it required hoodwinking the competitors and the audience about what was going to happen that week.
mardi 15 janvier 2008
Prayer For Ms. Hill.

lundi 14 janvier 2008
2008 Church Motto.
You know does motto you hear every year like, 2006
is the year of increase, 2007 you going to the next level.
Some of the ones I am hearing so far are:
It's gonna be great in 08!
No weight in 2008
I' am gone to be straight in 2008
I' am shooting for God's will in 2008
No weight in 2008
We gone to rush the gate in 2008
We are going to end it in 2008
So you get the point. Do you have
a motto for 2008? Come on you know how
the Black Church do it.
dimanche 13 janvier 2008

First Sunday featuring Ice Cube, Katt Williams and Tracy Morgan hit theatres last night. Are you going? Is your church putting together a youth group and taking the church bus? Do you even care? Do you think that it is even appropriate for youth?
well my church is not sending our youth to see it. I don't like Katt Williams or Tracy Morgan. So I don't think I will be seeing it. I don't think Katt Williams is funny. I lost respect for him when he show up at an award show with a noose around his neck that did it. Tracy Morgan just isn't funny.
Do we assume that most “black” movies are going to be “bad” from jump LOL. David E. Talbert, who was a playright before Tyler Perry blew up, is the one who wrote and produced this movie. I believe it’s his first major release. I REALLYdon't want to see this because of Katt Williams he is a silly fool. I have the strong feeling though that ALL the funny moments in the movie are already in the trailer LOL! Just like This Christmas. I’m still mad about that 20 minute-long Soul Train line at the end!!!!!!!!!!
Me? Well, I’ll be saving my money for some thing more enlighten.
I read somewhere too that Cube really wanted Mike Epps to star in this with him. Sorry Tracy and Katt may be the next time.
Prophetess Janice Mixon. ( Speaker At NorthView Christian Church)

Prophetess Janice Mixon and get this former Dallas Police Department Officer of the year. Ms. Mixon is speaking at my church this weekend. My husband and I attend yesterday session it was good. I never heard of Ms. Mixon before yesterday. My Church as a whole is fasting for 21 days. We kicked it off Friday and it will continue on until the 30 of January. My pastor calls it a new beginning.
We are embarking up on something new and leaving the old behind. We are in the process of building a new church which will be in a dome shape. It will be the only one in this city. Which we are a small city of only 70,000 people . Ms. Mixon will deliver the message during morning service. I am looking forward to hearing her. Like I mention in an early post I believe women are gifted too. I don't know how you become a prophetess but I will say she is gifted to do what she do. She comes from a humble background of 13 sisters and brothers.
Mixon was raised Baptist, but somewhere along there some Pentecostals got a hold of her -- Church of God in Christ folk, if I’m not mistaken -- and she stepped into her prophetic calling. In practical terms, being a prophetess for Mixon means preaching, followed by specific "words" for individuals and ministries that the Holy Spirit impresses upon her heart. She also teaches about intercessory prayer. Nothing spooky, OK?
She talked about the hardships in her life, like a marriage busted up by infidelity, and how God used sorrows such as this to cause her to "come away" into a private place and burrow into Jesus' arms. First she found comfort in that secret place, then spiritual insight was birthed and cultivated and refined there.
samedi 12 janvier 2008
Pastors With My Space Pages.

A church website is ok because you are talking about the happens of the church as a body. I am just curious about that. I saw a blog were this young lady was asking that same question. Now if a young person is asking why a man of the cloth would want this I think they deserve an answer.
The young lady said that the Bishop had a back drop of Benjamin's and Bentleys, come on. The young lady said when she see stuff like this she feels as if God's people are being mislead. Wow! that is something to ponder. From reading that young lady blog I have compassion for our young people they don't know which way to turn.
She also said that the Bishop announce this in church during service. It is already hard to get our young people to believe the God of the Bible. When they are asking question like this because they just don't get it I don't know what to say. This really cause me to stop and think about all the nonsense that is going on in the church today. God is not please with His people being led a stray. So what could/would you said to that young person that don't understand this?
Women In The Pulpit.

Are women call to teach the word of God?
Are women call to preach the word of God? I mean
from the pulpit? Now this is 3 different questions
therefore, there will be 3 different answers.I Come out
of a traditional black church. I mean First Missionary
Baptist. Were our devotion was lead every Sunday by our
deacons and, women were not permitted to step up into the
pulpit. I have been to women day services were the woman (Y'all know how we do it women day)
of the hour were not allow to step up into the pulpit. She had
to speak from the floor. Now I never understood that. She was not the head of the
church just only the speaker. So what was wrong with her giving her speech from the
pulpit? Why do we twist God word to fit our own agenda? I believe that a women can
teach the word as well as any man and, some are good at it but, I don't believe that a woman should be
the head of a church. Now that is what I believe . So when I left my Old Black Church
I started to see some things different. So what is your take on Women in the Pulpit? Do you have a problem with it? Do you attend a church that has a woman as head?
Did You Ever Patty Cake? (Just a little Fun)

I said a-EAST, a-WEST
I met my boyfriend at the candy store
He bought me ice cream,
He bought me cake,
He brought me home with a belly ache
Mama Mama,
I'm So Sick!
Call the doctor,
quick Quick QUICK!
Doctor, doctor will I DIE?
Count to five and you'll be alright
I said,
How about these:
Rock - in - Robin
This - old - Man
Do remember playing patty cake?
Do you remember playing Jacks?
Do you remember playing tag you're it?
Do you remember Playing red light?
Do you remember playing hide - go - seek?
Do you remember playing Little - Sally - Walker sit in a saucer?
If you don't, may be you need to ask why not.
I am from the south and I have fond memories of playing
all of these game on Sunday at my grandmother house.
My grandmother had 10 children but, only 2 of them
remained in the south the others moved to the north.
My mom had 10 children also, and one of my
aunties had 6. So you can see why we had so much
fun on Saturday and Sunday. We grew up a close knit
family and until today we are just as close.
vendredi 11 janvier 2008
Love & Prayers For Marion Jones.

“Your honor, I absolutely realize the gravity of these offenses and I am deeply sorry,” Jones told the judge, crying as she begged not to be separated from her two young sons. One of her son is still breast feeding. She ask the judge not to separate her from them.
“I pray that you be as merciful as a human being can be.”
The Judge gave Jones six months for lying about steroid use and two months — to run concurrently — for misleading federal investigators about a check fraud case involving her ex-boyfriend, former 100-metres world record holder Tim Montgomery.
After hearing her punishment, Jones sobbed into the shoulder of her husband, Olympic sprinter Obadele Thompson.
She has until March to turn herself over to authorities.
“I truly hope that people will learn from my mistakes,” she said later in a brief statement to reporters.
Jones, 32, has been stripped of the five athletics medals she won in the Sydney Olympics, three of them gold. All her performances as of September 2000 have been erased from the record books.
She confessed to lying to investigators in 2003 when she denied knowing that she swallowed the banned substance tetrahydrogestrinone (THG), known as “the clear,” before the 2000 Olympics.
The Judge noted the elevated status of athletes in society and said using drugs sent the wrong message. He said he did not believe Jones’ statement in October when she said she did not realize she was taking steroids until after the 2000 Games.
Jones, whose image from a triumphant Sydney Games was enhanced by a winning smile and joyous celebrations, now has become the biggest name in world sport to admit using steroids.“Today’s sentencing concludes a sad series of events,” USA Track & Field Federation said in a statement. “It is a vivid morality play that graphically illustrates the wages of cheating in any facet of life, on or off the track.”
Prosecutors had agreed to a light sentence because Jones was prepared to cooperate in a separate investigation of her former coach and onetime Olympic relay gold medalist, Steve Riddick. He is also due to be sentenced on Friday bank fraud.
Defense lawyers asked for mercy saying Jones had suffered public humiliation.
Jones once pulled in millions of dollars in product endorsements but is now in financial ruin. Can you find it in your hearts to pray for Marion Jones and her boys? Do you have a problem praying for someone you don know?
What Is Your Motives ?

I have been studying some other passages that talk about the trap of working for riches in this world rather than focusing on treasures in Heaven. (Matthew 6:19-20 “Don’t collect for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But collect for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, ...) Then, I ran across this verse from Ecclesiastes: "All labor and skillful work is due to a man's jealousy of his friend."
Not only are so many of us chasing the wrong goal. We are chasing it for the wrong reasons! Ecclesiastes 4:4 I saw that all labor and all skillful work is duet to a man's jealousy of his friend. This too is futile and a pursuit of the wind. [HCSB] Scripture is clear that we shouldn't focus on accumulating wealth. We are to work to take care of our families (2 Thess. 3:10). But we aren't to be overly concerned about having enough money. And we aren't to make money our main focus.
But this verse from Ecclesiastes got me thinking about 1 Timothy 6:10, which says that the "love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." Why do we tend to love money? Ecclesiastes says we're jealous of what our friends and neighbors have. Do we really want that new car, that bigger boat, a nicer house? Will it somehow make a meaningful difference in our lives? Or do we just really want these things to enhance our social standing, to make others think we are successful and to make us seem important to our peers? These are lousy reasons for spending our time and energy — to satisfy envy. Just because our neighbor has a new car doesn't mean we have to have one. It all comes back to perspective. What is important to us? Do we care about spiritual things? Or are material things the most important to us? The world tells us we have to have the best and latest stuff. God tells us those things are temporary and worthless, that we should focus on building treasures in Heaven. How much more clear that is when we consider the ugly motives that make us want more wealth.
What's the source of our security? Is it our finances and the reputation we have in our social circle? Or is it our dependence on God and his provision for us? If we're trying to have all the stuff everyone else does, it's probably the former. Matthew 6 goes on to say: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." We don't want our hearts to be in matching the possessions of our neighbors. We want our hearts to be with the Lord. That doesn't just happen. We have to focus on it, put effort into it. We have to intentionally put our efforts into building treasures in Heaven rather than here on Earth, or we will slip back into our lower motives.
jeudi 10 janvier 2008
Are You In A Back-Slidden Condition?

When I was a young Christian, I used to hear the word "backsliding" a lot. After a while it became almost a cliché. You know what I have noticed!I don't hear it much anymore I wonder why.
The word appears in Proverbs 14:14: "The backslider in heart will have his fill of his own ways, but a good man will be satisfied with his." It appears 9 times in Jeremiah, 3 times in Hosea, and 1 time in Zechariah.These verses give us a crystal-clear picture of the backslider.
A non-Christian cannot backslide, because they have no place to slide back FROM. The backslider is one of the Lord's people who:
Jeremiah 3:6 -- Has started loving and worshiping other gods.
Jeremiah 3:12 -- Is alienated from a positive relationship with the Lord, causing God to become angry.
Jeremiah 3:22 -- Is spiritually sick and needs to be healed.
Jeremiah 8:5 -- Clings to dishonesty, and knowingly will not confess sin or get right with God.
Jeremiah 49:4 -- Puts her trust in material wealth.
Hosea 11:7 -- Still outwardly claims to follow the Lord, but doesn't exalt Him with his actions.
Zechariah 7:11 -- Stubbornly won't listen to God's Word, and stops up his/her ears from hearing correction.
I believe this is what Jesus was talking about in John chapter 15, in His parable about the vine and the branches. The backslider is the branch that stops "abiding" in the Lord Jesus. As a result, the backsliding Christian gets sick, dries up, breaks off, and comes under God's discipline fires.What does this tell us? Just because I had my act together in the past doesn't mean it will stay that way forever. God tests us from time to time with serious moral tests. By the way, how are you doing in your testing? You know what! experiences and relationships put our true selves to the test and the fires of life burn away our phony exteriors. When we face the real us and confess our sins our experience with God becomes more deep and fruitful. I can make wrong choices so can you. What I choose for myself I have to live with. But I have choices. So I have a choice rather I pass the test or not. The good news is that Jesus is married to the backslider. I can be cured in an instant, by repenting and returning to Christ. Are you in a back slidden condition are do you know someone who might be? If so what are you doing about it?
mercredi 9 janvier 2008
To Michael Vick With Love and Prayers.

The Old Black Church would like to send our prayers and some love to Michael Vick. Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick could be getting out of federal prison and back in the NFL by the 2009-10 season after applying for a prison-monitored drug rehabilitation program done only in Leavenworth, KS.
Looking at this picture it tugs at my heart. Another black man down but not out. Just as people has prayed for my son, I can also pray for someone else. My heart hurts for my son so I know Michael Vick mother hurt for her son. It has nothing to do with money, hurt is hurt. Maybe the hurt only a mother can feel. Can we all pray in our own pray language for Mr. Vick. Do you have a problem praying for someone you don't know personal? If so Why?
mardi 8 janvier 2008
My Son Is On His Way To Prision.

Hello blog family! Well this is what happen in court today. Nothing! I don't like how this thing is going. My son says that he was given a continue. The reason that I said that is, if he get himself into anything else that will be 3 felons. They are talking about giving him some kind of probation which I am against.
My son needs drug intervention. But he will not admit that he has a problem he says that I don't know what I am talking about. My son have a drug addiction and his drug of choice is Ecstasy and Marijuana. I know this because I have been watching him when he is high. Why coming down off of Ecstasy he starts to get psychotic and then depression. He is a very mild kind of person but when he is on that stuff he becomes very mean. When he was about 15 is when he started to experiment with drugs mostly marijuana. Then I stated to have problems with his school. Every day that I would drop him off at school he would run away.
I then had to get a probation officer that did not work. Then he would snick out of the house at night when we were gone to bed. That is how he got some charges as a Juvenile. I had him put in 3 different boot camps. That did not work either. He quite school when he was a senior. That was a hard to accept. I used to think it was the crowed he was running with. But after watching him I realize, he was his own worst enemy.
As a juvenile he was charge with attempted break in, possession of marijuana. Next he got caught with a Control Substance. Next he tried to break in to some one home and the people were there. He could have been killed. I don't up hold wrong but, I don't want him to hurt any one nor get hurt himself( that is that mother in me).
I don't know how the end is going to be so I will keep on praying for him . On each felon he could get 5 to 10 years. He is in denial about his drug problem. Will you all just keep him and me in prayer.
Immaigration and Black America.

Hello blog family! if people don't think that immigration hurts America, they need to wake up. I work at a new plant her in my city. We only have about 60,000 people in this city. This Co. moved in about a year ago. Around here most of the people who work in factors are black. This company hired mostly all blacks. The pay is good for this area. I know that they got gov. money to locate here. Now they are in the process of firing the blacks and hiring the Mexican. Some of them can not even speak English. It hurts to see whats going on to people who want to work and can't get hired for illegals. I do know people who want to work but, the only jobs are service jobs. We went back to work after the holiday break and guess what more Mexicans. We need to close that border. If Mexicans are not putting into Social Security then that is hurting the people who have put in all these years. It is nothing let for me for instance, I have already put in over 25 years will I be able to get some of my money in the coming years? I don't think so if things don't change. What do you think about Illegals and jobs in America? Do you know any one who has been affected by it? I am not a hateful person, I love every one with the love of Christ.
lundi 7 janvier 2008
DMX Don't Play With God!

Blog family read this article and leave me a comment. Now I am not saying that you should not make money but how far is to far. Look at the languages of DMX. The young man needs a change of heart. How can you sing about Jesus when you don't know Him. His languages says it all. If we don't want Jesus leave Him alone. We can't keep one foot in the world and think that Jesus is please. He needs to make a choice sing about a lifestyle he is familiar with.
Many of DMX's conversations with God have been a matter of public record since his career bloomed to superstar status in 1998. His catalog features nearly as many inspirational ghetto hymns — such as "Lord Give Me a Sign," "A Minute for Your Son" and "The Prayer" — as it does party anthems and street-corner knockers, and in 2006 he pondered changing his name for "spiritual reasons." But now, the Dog has decided to go in full-throttle with his first-ever gospel-rap album, which he told MTV News will be coming out this year.
"I [was] the first n---a to put out two albums in one year [It's Dark and Hell Is Hot and Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood in 1998], now I'm gonna hit 'em again — drop two albums on the same f---in' day, yo," X said from his home in Arizona on Friday. "A double album will make mutha----as mad, because they gotta spend more money — plus it's already a long [double] album. I'm talking about a hip-hop album and a gospel album."
Combined, the project will be called Walk With Me Now and You'll Fly With Me Later.
"The same title is gonna be on both albums, but on one album one part [of the title] is gonna be [highlighted]," he clarified, and on "the other album, the other name is gonna be [highlighted]."
The Walk With Me Now portion will be dedicated to straight-up, raw raps, while the latter will feature his non-secular undertaking.
As for the gospel album, X noted that the lyrics will be "without cursing — how 'bout that one? No songs about b----es, no songs about robbing, just straight 'Give God the glory.' "
My Son Fate!

Blog family today is a hard day for me. My son with learn his fate today. I tried as a single parent and, I gave all I could but he made choices that would put him in prison. I am getting ready to go to my job. No, I will not be in that court room. My husband which is his step father will be there. I will let you all know the deal later today. Be in prayer! I will let you all know just what he did to get there. He is talking crazy. Like he has a chose to go down there are not. Like I said I will be back about 5:00 pm.
A New Generation of Christians.

It's a new year and the church today faces a generation shifting from the conventional ways of Christianity and exploring more options to live out their faith.
International youth ministry Dare 2 Share has provided a spiritual pulse of today's teens, forecasting the direction Christian teens will head this new year and the challenges they will most likely face.
1. “Go Green” will become the rallying cry for this generation
Today’s teens are looking for a cause to believe in and many will be finding their cause in the Green Revolution. As the Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam War became rallying cries for the younger generation in decades past, this generation of teens is stepping up to embrace the “Go Green” Movement. I thought Jesus was enough to believe in what happen to that?
2. There will be a rising cynicism toward organized religion among teens
While the Millennials do not necessarily harbor negative feelings toward Jesus, they are increasingly disconnecting from the traditional institutions of organized religion. Emancipating themselves from the institutions of their parents, Christian teens will increasingly reject the established, structured churches of their parents’ generation to create newer, more unstructured approaches to living out the spiritual dimension of their lives, exploring options ranging from internet message board communities of faith to gathering with their friends over lattes at their local Starbucks to talk about spiritual things.
3. “Starbucks Spirituality” will become more prevalent in the media
A “Starbucks Spirituality” will begin to dominate the marketplace of ideas, with individuals picking and choosing religious worldviews that are customized and ‘made to order.’ For example, “Starbucks Spirituality” can be characterized as taking an aspect of Wiccan, adding in a particular tenet from Buddhism and blending it with a few core beliefs of Christianity. A lot of our churches now are having Starbucks put in there churches.
4. Teens will utilize technology in sharing their faith
The use of technology and social networks by Christian teens when sharing their faith will accelerate in 2008. MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube provide extensive exposure for creatively using technology to talk with others about spiritual issues. Blogs and text messaging lend further spontaneous opportunities for teens to communicate the importance of their faith in the midst of their daily lives, whether they are communicating to one friend or an entire network of social relationships.
5. Teens will have a higher economic awareness
Economic realities in 2008 will raise teen’s awareness of economic issues due to the increasing economic stratification of society. Climbing food and energy prices, coupled with the ripple effect of the housing market foreclosure crisis will force parents on the lower end of the economic spectrum to say “no” even more frequently to their teen’s financial requests. Conversely, parents on the high end of the economic spectrum will be unaffected by these economic realities and will continue to spring for high-budget item requests like new cars, next-edition iPhones or the Spring Break trip. As a result, teen cliques will become even more aligned based on the economic standing of their parents.
samedi 5 janvier 2008
Wigs by Patti La Belle.

Ladies! Patti is selling us some church wigs. Do you wear wigs and if so would you purchase one of hers. Patti is coming out with a line of wigs from the Especially Yours collection that will debut this month. Her hair never move, why? I have been looking into getting my self a wig for something different. What do you think would you buy one?
Jan. 3, 2008 — Songstress, best-selling author, cook and now fashion icon, Patti Labelle will introduce a new line of wigs in January from the Especially Yours collection of hair accessories for black women. Fans of LaBelle’s already famous hairstyles can now enjoy the same looks without expensive trips to the salon. “I’ve always wanted my own line of fabulous wigs and hair pieces. As fate would have it, Especially Yours came knocking. They’ve noticed and loved my different hairstyles over the years and were eager to develop a line of wigs and hairpieces inspired by Patti LaBelle,” she says.
The line will launch with 10 styles: Ageless Beauty, ‘Black Majesty, Dynamite Diva, Enchanted Evening, Flame, and Sunday’s Best in synthetic hair; and Lady LaBelle, Lovely Lady, Patti Fab, and Sassy LaBelle in 100% human hair. Each will be available in a selection of stunning brunettes, reds and highlights, as well as in LaBelle’s custom blended colors.
In February, the full line will roll out in Especially Yours catalogs featuring LaBelle on the cover and supported by online sales. Prices will range from $49 for synthetic hair and $99 for premium human hairstyles.
The Black Church Outreach Tradition.

Where secular social services programs for poor people typically end, churches and religious outreach ministries often begin, especially in predominantly black churches. That used to be true years ago. But not today. I think we have abandon our outreach programs in our churches.
The black church had a powerful outreach tradition. The black church’s role in providing blacks with education, social services, and a safe gathering place. Is one of the reason we should always have love for it. During my research of The Old Black Church I notice that there are 8 major historically black Christian Churches:
African Methodist Episcopal; African Methodist Episcopal Zion; Christian Methodist Episcopal; Church of God in Christ; National Baptist Convention of America; National Baptist Convention, USA; National Missionary Baptist Convention; and the Progressive National Baptist Convention. Together, the eight major black denominations alone encompass some 65,000 churches and about 20 million members.
To illustrate how the black church outreach tradition has changed during the years. We have more homeless people than we every had. More people are going to bed hungry than every before. What happen to the love for our people? How can we turn our backs on our less fortune? What happen to our hearts? We have bought into that pull your self up by your own booth strap when in reality we had help all along. Through out generation after generation we had The Old Black Church were there to help in some kind of way.
I know that we have moved pass being associate with the so call Black Church but,once upon a time it was good.I think the church once had a different mission back in that time. Our mission today is total different than it was in the early years.I through the mission of the church was the same mission that Jesus had. Jesus fed the poor. I know that time brings about changes but do we have to change by leaving our poor brothers and sisters behind? why can't we do The Old Black Church thing in our new churches? Is it because the money and not wanting to be reminded that we are one pay check from being like our homeless brother and sister.
We know that the church is in us and we are the church. If we all believe that we could do away with welfare and government hand outs. I know that a lot of our churches don't want to be label as a black church. Once upon a time that was a good thing and it had a different meaning. Do you think that the Black Church has lost it's love for black people? Do you think the church is doing all it can or can it do more?
Do Your Plan Match God's Plan?

Do your plans for yourself match God's plan for you? Are you counting on God to help you reach your goals and make your dreams come true? What will happen if God doesn't have the same plan for you that you have for yourself? Do we give the impression that if we are faithful to God, He will give us everything we want? If we are faithful and rely on God, He gives us what we need.
He leads us to his goals for us rather than our own. And that's a good thing. God knows better than we do what will truly make us happy. He gives us what he knows will bring us happiness, not what we think will.
We believe that God will help us reach the goals we set. When that doesn't happen, we wonder why God let us down. But God hasn't let us down. He is just leading us toward the goal that He has set for us rather than the goal we have set for ourselves. Continue in faith, and God will lead you to rewards greater than you even imagined.
Oswald Chambers wrote: "We tend to think that if Jesus Christ compels us to do something, and we are obedient to Him, He will lead us to great success. We should never have the thought that our dreams of success are God's purpose for us. In fact, His purpose may be exactly the opposite."
vendredi 4 janvier 2008
Jazz Funerals are Dying Out in New Orleans.

I saw this article about Jazz funerals in New Orleans and thought about blogging about it. I remember when Ed Bradley past and they did the jazz thing for him. It was some what different and, I have never thought about how New Orleans did funerals. But I also know that they have a lot of crazy stuff that go on in that city. They believe in roots and putting hexes on people. I once visit that city a couple of years a go, and personal I don't care for it. It seems to have a demonic presence to it. In other words I didn't like the feeling that I got from that city.
Louis Charbonnet's mortuary business focuses on high drama and style, operating one of the only antique horse-drawn hearse services in town. It's what adds flavor to the New Orleans tradition of jazz-style funerals filled with street parades and brass bands.
"People join in (jazz funerals) spontaneously," said Charbonnet, who has worked in the funeral trade more than 50 years and owns Charbonnet-Labat Funeral Home. "... You have the handkerchief flyin', butt shakin' and everything else that goes on, including pouring a little liquor on top of the casket."
But these days the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Katrina and the departure of the city's majority African-American residents has raised concerns for Charbonnet and other black funeral home owners like him.
Many black funeral directors and morticians who struggle to hang on say they were shut out of the recovery effort due to the limited subcontract work for the recovery and burial of bodies after Katrina. The state contracted directly with Kenyon International Emergency Services in planning the recovery effort. Kenyon coordinated the response teams, many of which handled the
1,080 bodies counted in Katrina's death toll.
None of the 14 black funeral homes in New Orleans received any subcontracts from Kenyon to bury storm victims. The only business they got was through families they had serviced prior to Katrina or by word of mouth.
In addition, the trend of corporate acquisitions pre- and post- Katrina continues to present a growing threat for many small independent black funeral home owners. Service Corporation International, parent company to Kenyon, is one of the largest funeral home chains in the country.
Hall Davis, president-elect of the National Association of Funeral Directors and Morticians, said the tradition of jazz-style funerals in a Mardi Gras atmosphere is one of a kind. The association represents about 2,300 black funeral homes across the country.
"New Orleans is probably the most unique place in the world with (black funeral) customs passed on from generation to generation," he said. "It is going to take a lot of money to reproduce something that was naturally there."
Many black funeral parlors are family owned and provide a sense of history and personal touch to their generations of customers. They are among the last types of social institutions, including black churches, beauty salons and barber shops, that cater to the African-American community.
"If you go to a white funeral home, you will have a funeral service and you will be treated fairly and properly, hopefully," said Renard Boissiere, who has worked in the business 30 years and owns Boissiere-Labat Family Funeral Services in New Orleans. "But when we (black funeral directors) do our funerals, we become part of the family. It's hard to explain when you have a feel and a culture for it."
But many black funeral directors and morticians said they are disappointed they were not more involved with the recovery effort.
The state hired Kenyon to organize the recovery and burial of bodies after Katrina. The company also provided services at the World Trade Center in New York and after the tsunami in Thailand.
Officials at the state's office of minority affairs said they were unaware of any concerns of black funeral directors.
In the months after Katrina, many black funeral parlors had served a smaller customer base because so many black New Orleans residents evacuated and scattered across the country.
New Orleans' pre-Katrina population stood around 500,000, and city officials estimate only 189,000 have returned.
For Arthur Hickerson, owner of Heritage Funeral Service, business has increased. He makes several trips a week to Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport to pick up "ship-ins," bodies sent back home by loved ones to be buried. Many have died from Katrina- related stress and health problems.
jeudi 3 janvier 2008
Teen Party All Night at Megachurch New Year's Bash.

More than 1,600 teens flashed their tickets at the entrance of a megachurch to join the largest under-age New Year’s Eve party in the Washington, D.C. area on Monday night.
The all-night, drug and alcohol free event hosted by McLean Bible Church offered a safe yet fun alternative for teens who wanted to enjoy all the New Year’s festivities but in a Christian environment. Why do the church have to be so like the world?
Junior to senior high students were treated to a wide range of entertainment including illusionist and escape artist Brock Gill, The Price is Right Game Show, inflatable boxing & jousting, snow board simulator, sumo wrestling, SOAR Dunk Team, an ESPN Zone, movies, and the presentation of the Gospel message. My question is what is wrong with this picture. This is no more than and all night party like the world do on New year Eve. What is your take on this? Do you see how Jesus could have been taught in that environment?