Blog family read this article and leave me a comment. Now I am not saying that you should not make money but how far is to far. Look at the languages of DMX. The young man needs a change of heart. How can you sing about Jesus when you don't know Him. His languages says it all. If we don't want Jesus leave Him alone. We can't keep one foot in the world and think that Jesus is please. He needs to make a choice sing about a lifestyle he is familiar with.
Many of DMX's conversations with God have been a matter of public record since his career bloomed to superstar status in 1998. His catalog features nearly as many inspirational ghetto hymns — such as "Lord Give Me a Sign," "A Minute for Your Son" and "The Prayer" — as it does party anthems and street-corner knockers, and in 2006 he pondered changing his name for "spiritual reasons." But now, the Dog has decided to go in full-throttle with his first-ever gospel-rap album, which he told MTV News will be coming out this year.
"I [was] the first n---a to put out two albums in one year [It's Dark and Hell Is Hot and Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood in 1998], now I'm gonna hit 'em again — drop two albums on the same f---in' day, yo," X said from his home in Arizona on Friday. "A double album will make mutha----as mad, because they gotta spend more money — plus it's already a long [double] album. I'm talking about a hip-hop album and a gospel album."
Combined, the project will be called Walk With Me Now and You'll Fly With Me Later.
"The same title is gonna be on both albums, but on one album one part [of the title] is gonna be [highlighted]," he clarified, and on "the other album, the other name is gonna be [highlighted]."
The Walk With Me Now portion will be dedicated to straight-up, raw raps, while the latter will feature his non-secular undertaking.
As for the gospel album, X noted that the lyrics will be "without cursing — how 'bout that one? No songs about b----es, no songs about robbing, just straight 'Give God the glory.' "
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