jeudi 28 octobre 2010

Oldies: From Jordan with Love

Jordan the country gets little attention when it comes to making pop music. there have been few Jordanian stars making their way into the Arabic music scene. I mentioned Diana Karazon, the Hamdan sisters (Mai and Mais) and Tony Qattan....they are all stars that have fans outside their home country.

But this post is not about the pop stars, it's about the very old school Jordanian style of folklore singing by some mean looking dudes. Here by Abda Musa, a Jordanian folklore singer singing a folksy style song about his lady as she passes by him. I do like the images drawn by the singer as he transports us to the village scene and the ladies walking around with water jars.

For all it's worth, enjoy this song and remember the good old days when you did not have to know how the singer looks only enjoyed their voices and above all their music.

من الفلكلور الأردني / عبده موسى - مرين وما معهن حدا

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