mercredi 24 novembre 2010

Rami Ayach "Ayash" Prayer

Rami Ayach is a handsome man and the he knows that as the ladies love his look, his charm and his style. Rami's latest song plays like a prayer he sens to his loved one....he prays that he ends up with that one girl.....he wants to give her his life, his name and he wants to enjoy growing old with her....This is the radio version and I looked hard to find the best quality version of the song as it will sure be released in his upcoming album.

I love the lyrics...and the music....Rami also keep the song upbeat and will dance to this song and some women might even tear up, because Rami goes all in to their heart and soul....Rami wrote you a love song, the song that he wants to commit you the one and only....unlike many star singers, Rami is ready to commit...are you?


رامى عياش - إن شاء الله إتوفق فيكي / افرح فيكي 2010

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