mercredi 29 juin 2011

Love Syria? Boycott Sulaf Fawakherji

Before the revolution broke out in Syria, she was the hottest Syrian actress with contracts in both Syria, Egypt and the Gulf. But she tossed all that away with her love fest for Bashar Al Assad, she is not alone in her support for the Assad regime, she is leading the pack and using every opportunity to do public relations for the regime that killed so many in so many brutal ways.

she tops any Syrian black list, and not she just her person, she is now enlisting her son to sing a song for Bashar and his regime. In her spiral downward she has insulted pretty much anyone who supports the people of Syria, calling them violent and foreign agents.

I have read so many interviews with her where is defends the regime, that's fine until she attacks anyone who doe snot defend the regime. she is using her dwindling fame to promote murderers. the production companies in the Gulf region are already boycotting her for her statements asking for protectionism in Syrian production. But she doe snot mind working in Egypt.

I do not really get Sulaf Fawakherji politics, but she seems to be benefiting from the regime and its agents who are pushing her down our throats. Read my lips, "I was fooled by the regime" she will say in few weeks or maybe years. But rest assured she will apologize about her strong support to the regime.

By checking the actress Facebook page one commentator stuck out:

Hisham Selim
I was one of your big fans but now after I seen you on TV saying enough blood, this is Syria, ignoring what the government is doing to the people in different cities and towns and blood bath of the innocent syrians (sic), killed by your government and this murderer al Assad , after that I can tell you, I am not your fan anymore but more I can tell I hate you. And do not try to go to Egypt for work because if I see you I will spit on your face.

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