mardi 13 septembre 2011

Zayne And Pyramedia Brings Us Garbage

If the promo gets me offended then chances are the whole clip will either make me dumber or just disgust me. I am not an easy guy to offend, but this clip where Zayne, no idea who he is is putting together some elements from the R&B/rap with some stereotypical Arab belly dancing. Literary, there's a belly dancing in front of your eyes.

The song is also titled shake it....say no more. Not sure if that what businessman Richard El Haj had on mind for Arab entertainment. Gone are the days that true artists call the shots on art, now those decisions are saved for managers and whoever has money. Those who are willing to blow your mind and stoop to new low get the money of course.

Updated: No idea where Zayne and his army of fans come to the site, clearly he has a lot of fans. I am happy to see that, however, I have not changed my mind. I just don't like stereotypes. It never helped an Arab entertain make it out there. If you are curios then look up Funky Arab by Jad Choueiri and see how lame this kind of stuff really is.

I maintain Zayne has some style and some moves that are borrowed from American entertainers. But I think making a music video with the belly dancer is what passed here in America for Arab culture. I don't mind being wrong on this review!

Zayne - Shake It - Coming Soon

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