mardi 29 novembre 2011

Mohamed El Helw, The Big Boss Of Egyptian Music

Few months ago singer Mohamed El Helw was voted to be the head of Unions of Egyptian artists/Entertainers. He made a big deal of that fact that he has never sang for the regime or anyone who has anything to do with Mubarak. for that he was buried in the news and he has never been able to get a gig on the state TV.

El Helw is now back in charge of all there's in Egyptian music, he is the boss and he seems to be doing well there. He released a song few months ago fro the fallen Egyptian young man Khalid Said who inspired the revolution. El Helw has also met with the mother of that young man.

But in the late 90s, El Helw had another hit song that was mainstream, a romantic song that had all the right things going for it. Ya Fatena....the bewitching lady. It had a gorgeous music video back then.

Ya Fatena - Mohamed El Helw يافاتنه - محمد الحلو

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