vendredi 1 février 2013

Nicki Minaj Almost Got Jailed For Hugging A Police In Dubai

Nicki Minaj almost earned herself a jail term for hugging a cop in one of her trips to Dubai. She Shared her experience in Dubai on the Jimmmy Kimmel Live Show.

"I went to Dubai. I almost got in so much trouble because thoe gudys in Dubai are so cute. It's not even f.unny. One of the rules is you cant hug a man if you're not married to him. And so when we were leaving, there was this one guy that was so freaking cute, I was like, Bye! because I just wanted to have this one moment  to........savour the moment with him....Literarily, I didn't know he was a cop. They don't have a police uniform. It was like a private rilyriyairport. They were just dressed in their regular garments. I went to give him a hug, and it was literarily, I almost felt like time stopped in Dubai. I felt like everything froze. Every single person turned around in slow motion like, "NOOOOOO"

Everyone in my team thought I was going to be put in jail. It was the scariest thing. He kinda put his arms up a little bit and cracked a nervous smile, and I was like, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" and I just left"

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