mardi 9 novembre 2010

Funny Man Ahmad Hilmi is BolBol

The New comedy that will be sweeping throughout the middle east this Eid holiday season is star Ahmad Hilmi ( أحمد حلمى) strikes again with this comedy. Unlike his previous movies, Bolbol has the help of a number of female stars. Bushra to star has never disappointed in the roles she picks. Bolbol might be the first Arabic film where they film in a real airplane and even skydiver from one....that has to be good.

I do like the new look, and I have always liked the writing of the movies he stars....However, in this film I feel Ahmad Hilmi is trying to appeal to the grown ups with jokes of sexual nature. Something he has not done in the past. To his credit no one seems to be taking off their clothes at least in this preview. Stay tuned for a new theme song that will be released soon to market the movie. I believe the song will be by hip star Mohammad Hamaki.

BolBol Hayran - Trailer / فيلم العيد - بلبل حيران

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