mardi 28 décembre 2010

Songs for Victim of the bombing in Alexandria

Amr Mostafa, the Egyptian musician turned singer released a mini song in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the Alexandria Church. It's a sad song about those criminal acts against the people of Egypt. It's a touching song by this young talented composer.

It took him less than 12 hours to release this mini song that speaks volume of what moved him and what moves a country of the size of Egypt. The lyrics are in Arabic here. It's about how religion has nothing to do with it and how those committed the crimes are of no religion.

وقال الفنان المصرى عمرو مصطفى فى أغنيته..
فى شرع مين؟.. وبحق مين
نقتل ونقوم فتنة تشوه صورة ناس عايشين.. مع بعض سنين
مش بنى آدمين.. ولا مصريين
ولا ليهم دين ولاملة ولا بسهولة حد يفرق مصريين


Syrian hip singer Samo Zain who is a household name in Egypt took the time and voiced this touching song for Egypt at this tough time in the wake of the bombming of the Alexandria Church. This is song that's comforting for the soul and uplift the spirit, the kind that brings people together titled in Arabic Kolen Masreen "We Are All Egyptians"

كليب سامو زين - مسلم ومسيحى كلنا مصريين

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