Celebrate it that is! It’s a good bet retailers won’t entertain high expectations of getting $$$.$$ per household from the Christian market. Many Christians refuse to participate in Halloween. Some are wary of its pagan origins; others of its dark, ghoulish imagery; still others are concerned for the safety of their children. But other Christians choose to partake of the festivities, whether participating in school activities, neighborhood trick-or-treating, or a Halloween alternative at their church. I heard this morning on NBC that Holloween is running neck and neck with Christmas as far as spending, I was like what no way that we christians have sit back and partake in this that it is as celebrate as Christmas.
The question is, How should Christians respond to Halloween? Is it irresponsible for parents to let their children trick-or-treat? What about Christians who refuse any kind of celebration during the season — are they overreacting? We over here at the Old Black Church don't observe that holiday. We won't have no porch lights on, no ghost coming out of trees, no blood running, no grave yards. We Honor only the Living The One Who can send your soul to hell or heaven.
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