Come, Holy Spirit, come, Heavenly Dove. As we approach baptism, let us be mindful of our brokenness and be grateful for our redemption through Christ Jesus.
Lord, cleanse us from sin and make us wholly yours.
Baptism marks the beginning of our Christian journey. It is a time of initiation into responsibility and commitment to Christ. Through the symbolic cleansing of the water, we lay down our old selves and are born again as new creations in Christ.
Come Holy Spirit. Take our lives and make them new in your name.
In the Jordan River, Christ was baptized by John. Come, Holy Spirit, come. Trouble the water, sanctify it that all who are baptized here may begin new lives of obedience to God.
You are the refreshing spring, the living water that never runs dry. In you, we thirst not.
Through baptism we are buried with Christ into death. As Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of God, we, too, are raised from the baptismal waters to walk in the newness of life.
Make of our lives an acceptable sacrifice and of our witness refreshing pools for others.
Our ancestors waded in the chilly waters of the South. Through baptism they were made new and free creatures in Christ.
"Jordan River is chilly and cold. It chilled my body, but not my soul."
Today is a day of recommitment. On this day and every day we give you thanks. Through baptism, the Lord's Supper, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are offered opportunities for our sins to be washed away in the cleansing blood of the Lamb.
There is one faith, one Lord, one baptism, one Body, one Spirit, one God and Father of us all. Through baptism we are united eternally with Christ. Make us worthy, dear Lord.
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