Lewis’ claim that Hip hop itself is evil at it’s roots and it’s origins. Why are we the Black Church attacking our own babies with this nonsense? The world have no love for them and neither do the church. Come on! That is the one place they should be able to go to and be showen love . But Hip Hop the culture or the music is no different than anything else in existence on the earth. Kind of like the old saying “guns don’t kill people…people do!” The devil perverts things, that is why he is referred to as wicked…wicked simply means twisted. Satan can’t create anything, he merely perverts what God has designed and influences man to abuse them, rather than Use them for what God intended. Same difference Hip Hop isn’t evil…but some people use it for evil devices and to promote things that are evil. Remember Joseph, in the old testament confronting his brothers for selling him into slavery. Joseph informs them “ye meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive” Gen 50:20.
Without a doubt, Satan’s plan would be for music period to be used in the destruction of man, and the Hip Hop culture lends itself to easy one stop shopping for all types of sinful vices. Which is more reason to have a Voice of reason and a Voice of the Truth out there because this is a war on all fronts…I grew up listening to all of the traditional gospel greats, and many of the songs that we sang in Church weren’t all that positive…songs of poor little me, songs based on ole time religion and songs that didn’t quite always line up with the Bible. But they did sound good…….
Lewis is guilty of falling into the same trap that many minister fall into. Instead of doing research to see if it is true. These ministers use a reverse process that comes up with the conclusion first and then only seeks information that supports their conclusion while ignoring any information that would prove them wrong. Then when all else fails they pull the God card because surely no one would contest the will of God………WHAT! does God speak to his people, yes, but He never contradicts His written Word, if He did then that would make His Word null & void. Remember The Incident in Waco, Texas that guy said he heard from God. Or what about Jim Jones, and I could go on and on. If it were not for Hip Hop Lewis would not even have a platform for his attack. It is wrong to attack the way Lewis is doing, and we keep embracing him.
we need to tell our young people of the danger of not being selective about what they listen to. I personally don't listen to secular music . There is a direct connection between what you see and what you hear and what you experience in life. But that is in eveything. That includes conversations I might have, movies and television shows I watch, the food that I eat and so on….not just music. God is able to use whatever He wants, whenever He wants to acomplish His will, and His will is that all men be saved. Mr. Lewis made a comment that your subconscience records everything! You may try to block out the lyrics, but you cannot stop them from being recorded into your mind. Your mind can even record backwards messages.
Your subconscience records everything! You may try to block out the lyrics, but you cannot stop them from being recorded into your mind. Your mind can even record backwards messages. It has been scientifically proven that your mind is so clever that, even when you aren’t trying to, you can receive the information that is stated in the lyrics of music. Even if it is recorded backwards. And it affects you! When you listen to sex, sex, sex, or murder, murder, murder, those are things that will come out of you in the heat of the moment. They are programmed in your mind without your consent.
What better way to get into the subconscious of our youth than through Holy Hip Hop. So if the person is listening to life life life then that is what will eventually begin to come out of them. If listening to evil lyrics can get into the subconscious and influence the behavior of the listener, then likewise a person can get the Word of God implanted not only into their subconscious but their Spirit as well. Since when did the devil trump God. The last time I checked the Score God was in control. I find it ludicris to think that the devil has more power than God, that his music is powerful enough to actually make people do what he wants them to do…if that’s the case why doesn’t traditional Gospel/Church music make people do what is right, make them attend church regularly and make them stop all of the wrong things they do…
The Church either sitting on the sidelines or wasting valuable time nitpicking the members of the body who don’t do it like they would do it. Taking pot shots at the faithful few who dare to go where the suited saints won’t. You can not reason with unreasonable people. As a body we are responsible for loving, praying for and supporting each other. So to G Craig Lewis and others that think Holy Hip Hop is evil,Not!
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