Wael Kfoury - Ma Ederet / وائل كفورى - ما قدرت
samedi 30 octobre 2010
Wael Makes Soft SO Manly
Wael Kfoury - Ma Ederet / وائل كفورى - ما قدرت
Joe Ashkar, the Arabian Playboy
Joe and his wife own a popular and a hip casino in Lebanon, so you know he does not need the money all that bad. But he might need the vanity of the showbiz. I do like his style as he still makes his music which entertains a certain demographic.
Mahabeer is the name of his song, I can only suppose it's a reference for the hotties of ladies that goes in Lebanon now. But cannot be too sure. Here is the music video of Joe Ashkar who makes Arab men proud.
Joe Ashkar - Mhaypar / جو أشقر - مهايبر
Ragheb Alama is Working Hard, but...
His album is now out, but his music video, he does not look that well, the music itself has no storyboard and I think it would be easy to trash this music video, but I am not going to. I am only pleased with his song, Sineen Rayaha we Sineen Gaya is a good song that delivers much for his fans and for the younger generation. I know Ragheb has a good production company and his brother is his manager, they are a true business brand.
Roa did not think much of the lock of the star in this music video, it's about darker and a bit of midlife crisis textbook example, see the bike and the bar seen. But nevertheless enjoy this wonderful song for all it's worth. Yes, the way I look at it the song still has much of the pizazz that was missing in his last album.
راغب علامة - سنين رايحة و سنين جاية
vendredi 29 octobre 2010
Hussin Al Deek Old Style, New Lyrics

Enter, Hussien Aldeek, a new Syrian singer who is following the work of his father the man who brought this style of music back about five years ago with 'Aloosh. Please find the singer talking his loved one who is teenager, I do like the debka troupe and the music. not sure about the lyrics, but something tells me the younger fans in the Sham area will find them appealing as it speaks about the first high school love.
حسين الديك - ناطر بنت المدرسة
jeudi 28 octobre 2010
Oldies: From Jordan with Love
But this post is not about the pop stars, it's about the very old school Jordanian style of folklore singing by some mean looking dudes. Here by Abda Musa, a Jordanian folklore singer singing a folksy style song about his lady as she passes by him. I do like the images drawn by the singer as he transports us to the village scene and the ladies walking around with water jars.
For all it's worth, enjoy this song and remember the good old days when you did not have to know how the singer looks like...you only enjoyed their voices and above all their music.
من الفلكلور الأردني / عبده موسى - مرين وما معهن حدا
Houda Saad Still Got it! And We Like it
It has been a little over a year since we heard something from this young starlet (she is finishing school in Switzerland) but when she is back with Bghitou Wella Karahtou, "loved him or hated him" she is really BACK with something refreshing.
Using the dialect of her home the Maghreb, Houda has found a way to stage a good comeback to the already saturated music scene in Arabia. I like the song, the lyrics are sweet reminding us why we like the starlet in the first place. Houda also looks good in her music video and tries to appeal to the cute (not the sexy) aspect of her persona. And I think he has been largely successful.
Then why Houda is not a huge star already? My answer lays with her production company Rotana that has not been able to create and sustain new star. They are doing a good job with the big names of the like Amer Diab and Elissa, but they do not seem to get the concept of the online marketing. Unlike Rotana, Melody Hits, their rival dominates the YouTube generation and get millions of hits on their new videos. Thus, I believe Rotana needs to adapt in order to help Houda and other stars to gain some fame. In the meantime, enjoy the music video.
هدى سعد - بغيتو ولا كرهتو / Houda Saad - Bghitou Wella Krahtou
mercredi 27 octobre 2010
Egyptian Khaled Selim Love & the Above
In my opinion, he had the best Ramadan song this time around. Madrast Elhob, is the name of his song that captured my attention. I was already a fan of this young energizing singer, but this song was different. His voice is pure gold, his emotions are unmatched and his passion about the subject of the song is clear. While the song was played in the opening for a religious theme show wit popular young present Moustafa Hussni. The song does not play as a preachy as most religious songs. It speaks of love as a school and cure for all ills.
I know for me, his voice is unique and I can distinguish it form a hundred other voice even thought I rarely make mistakes by identifying Arab singers by their voice, of course there are hundreds of Arab singers now. But Khalid Selim distinct makes it easier.
Two tumbs for Khalid in 2010 and hope to hear and see more of him in 2011
Khaled Selim - Love School Titre / خالد سليم - تتر مدرسة الحب
dimanche 24 octobre 2010
Dina Hayek Strikes Again!
Dina Hayek, the Lebanese star has never been a huge commercial success like many of her country leading female singers. Not sure why she has not been able to pull one huge mega sing.
At least since 2005 and her Katabtlak song, we have not seen her shine again. I know her past has few botched plastic surgeries and public feuds, but I really dig Dina and her style. She never felt the urge to take off her clothes and reveal much of her body beauty. Instead Dina Hayek opted to let you in for a tour of her inner beauty and her rather cute dance moves.
Abu El Zelouf is her latest; it's an old school song that all Shami (Lebanon, Syria and Palestine) know too well. Her cover of the song, her music video is just fine. I also enjoyed the outfits she appeared in the music video in, she does have a style. The male model was a good choice as he seems to really like the starlet where their chemistry is obvious, making the music video a fun to view.
Again with Abou El Zelouf, Dina plays it safe sticking to her strength, the Lebanese style that made her star and introduced her to us the fans. Great job Dina and keep up the good work. I know I am looking forward for an album from you, or at least mini album.
Dina Hayek - Abou El Zelouf / دينا حايك - أبو الزلوف
vendredi 22 octobre 2010
Natasha, in the footsteps of Nancy Ajram & More
She has the charisma and the voice of Nancy, the energy and the presence of Haifa, the star power of Elissa and she has accomplished this in one album. So Natasha is just warming up.
As I listened to her debut album, Tisadaq BilAyyam تصدق بلأيام) I was skeptic she will get good lyrics and a good album. I knew she has the voice and the chops to entertain you in a cute way, but I was not sure if the good lyricists and musicians of Lebanon would want yet another young starlet.
It was a freaking good album, you know why? Natasha comes form a family of musicians who know the business, her dad writes music and has the music business savvy, her brother is a lyricist. And thus she was able to be sponsored by a respectable firm to produce her music. I do not deny that there are tens of Arab stars who wish they can replicate the success and the style of Nanact Ajram, the best selling Arab female singer that we all like. All of those stars have failed so far.
Natasha I believe can pull the Nancy Style, yet maintain her own unique identity. She can sing those flirty cute songs, those deep meaning songs (Ba'ed Bakeer) and whatever she really likes to cover. She did well in Gulf Dialect songs. Natasha Singer or as she has been dubbed The Lebanese Song Flower due to her incredible youth and delicate nature. As Natasha has joined Rotana, the Arab power house in music production, I hope they do her justice. Even thought Rotana has majority of mega Arab stars, they have not been able to break into the online marketing very well. Look at Melody Hits, this company knows how to market a star in the age of the internet. Rotana is still using the old TV/Radio model. Hope Natasha and her team can build up her success as she is worthy of every inch of it.
I wish Natasha all success as I think she will be able to muster it. I do have one concern, please please Natasha act your age. Although I loved (absolutely loved) Ayooh (video below) you are too young to play the sexy part yet. It's OK to love a guy, but do it in a way that you would really do it in real life. BTW, Great job on the outfits.
ناتاشا ايوه كليب من روتانا
ناتاشا بعد بكير
Abdo and Abdallah Roar in "Marit Sanah"
If you ask me what's the best thing about Saudi music scene? I would point you to two singers who have been around for years (decades for Abdo) But Wait, now they are out with a duet!
Abdulmajid Abdallah (عبدالمجيد عبدالله), Mohammad Abdo (محمد عبده
) team up to give us a romantic song like no other. Marat Sanah, "A year has passed"A romantic song about distance, agony, loyalty and true love. Gulf dialect songs are nothing short of poetic lyrics, and this song is no different. Better yet, the best Musician from the Gulf Fayez Alsaeed (فايز السعيد ), the man who knows how to make good lyrics sound hip.
The Music video has a pleasant feeling, like the cinematography, the back story, both come to give you a true modern day musical wonder. I would usually find reasons to belittle Gulf music, but not this time. This time, I am glad to have enjoyed this song from two artists I admire and respect.
محمد عبده و عبد المجيد عبد الله - مرت سنة
jeudi 21 octobre 2010
Carole Samaha is Unstoppable Diva
Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna Both music videos deliver the same massage and both are very well done.
Carole Samaha - Khallik Behalak / كارول سماحة - خليك بحالك
Oh Boy, an Arab Bruno
Now the day has come for us to meet the Arab Bruno! Not sure if this is a real name, but the guy does not disappoint he lives a bit to the legacy of the Aussie Brüno. they both have fashion sense, they both are skinny, and they both know how to treat the ladies. Just give them flowers and they will take off their jackets. The Arab Bruno looks a bit like popular actor Paul Rudd. I do appreciate his confidence as the star looks comfortable in his own skin. I also like how they have his loved one to be a grown up, not the average 16 year old you would expect to see in Arabic music videos.
Not sure what to make of this music video, Sure some shots are dark and a bit awkward, I sure like the lyrics, the music does not get in the way. But Bruno's voice might not be mature yet. I see him mimic Wael Kfoury, the well known Lebanese singer adored by the ladies.
Bruno - Rjaa' / برونو - رجاع
mardi 19 octobre 2010
Dominique Wants to Entertain You
The music video plays like a club setting and the starlet has enough time to shine. But I think the real winner here is the makeup artist who had a lot of work to do. I like the accent of our singer in this music video, she seems to have found her zen where her last few songs were using the same Lebanese soft dialect.
Dominique - Ma'qoul Mesh Ma'qoul / دومينيك - معقول مش معقول
lundi 18 octobre 2010
Wadee El Safi Unloads the Wisdom to his Daughter
the message is simply the aging father asked he beloved daughter to stick around him as he loves her but he has seen little attention from her as he bore some much trouble for her upbringing yet she seems to have neglected that. He forgives and they make up and becomes buddies again.
Good song, the real winner perhaps is Jad Choury, the most controversial Arabic music video director why he is known for racy music video. He is hoping this directorial work would redeem him, it may take a legend to resurrect him, but we will see.
Wadee El Safi - Ya Benty / وديع الصافي - يا بنتي
Elie Mass'oud: Arabic Santa Clause
Funny music video that will be appreciated by the young and the old as it celebrates the best of both worlds. Expect to see a load of senior citizens and grandchildren. The music feel like a Church choir or a music class. I like the song and welcome the singer who was able to pull off one of the coolest Arabic songs who reminds us of the Lebanese music in the 60s and 70s.
Elie Mass'oud - Barhoum / إيلي مسعود - برهوم
samedi 16 octobre 2010
Carol Sakr The Arabic Lady Gaga is Much More
Lebanese Singer, Carol Sakr (Saqr)كارول صقر released a song for the Beirut Marathon and it was something else. I dubbed Carol as the Arabic lady Gaga, but now I think she is a lot more than that as she is unafraid to show substance.
Her English is amazing, her pronunciation is world class, her voice shines and she hit all the right notes without ever running out of breath. That's why this song "Hear and Soul" stand tall. This is why this song will be around for a while and as a runner I really really appreciate this song. It does not hurt that it has a great sound engineering and re-mastering. Finally an Arabic song that I can be proud of as I share with American music fans. See Carol Can! and she just did! Enjoy
jeudi 14 octobre 2010
Ban Layal Abboud Just Like Katy Perry?
Layal Abboud - El Deny Welad / ليال عبود - الدني ولاد
Few weeks ago popular Katy Perry appearance on Sesame Street was censored due to her prominent breasts. Obviously this was very controversial and funny at the same time. But this week, the Arab viewers had to put up with a new music video made for children.
A lead female singer Layal makes a music video for kids and you can guess her boobs are all over this music video.
Dare I to say Arabs are a bit more liberal than Americans when it comes to children music. Maybe that's what passes fro family entertainment, the kids get the song and the grown up can start at.....
I am not sure who should be more ashamed the Arabs or the Americans, but I know the female singers have nothing to be ashamed of.
Maya Ne'ma Disappoints
A rip off of Justin's Love Dealer?
I really do not like the voice in this song, I do not like the style, but i am not someone who goes to a lot of clubs so she might be up to something that will set well. She went out and got an English speaking (Jimmy) director who is trying to make something our of nothing. moving from the urban look to the belly dancer and everything in between.
Maya Ne'ma - Meshta' / مايا نعمة - مشتاق
Anas Kareem Cure for the broken heart
Anas Kareem - Te'dar Tegheeb / أنس كريم - تقدر تغيب
Ok, this is a sad song from a new comer to the game. Not sure who Anas Kareem is or what country he comes from, but i know this. his voice is good, warm and he seems to respect himself and the music business.This is an older song that has been performed by at least one other singer in the past, but have not seen other versions.
mercredi 13 octobre 2010
Terrorists Not Pop Stars Get Visas
By Hanitizer
A rather odd news story appeared today.
Maryam Faris, possibly the hottest Lebanese star of the year won’t be coming to America this month. Maryam was supposed to perform In Las Vegas concert this Saturday, but that won’t be happening she had visa issues. Maryam was not able to get work visa to cover her and her bands to entertain you here in America. I am certain this is not an unusual thing and many other stars have had issues getting work visas to perform legally in America. Yes, this could also be a PR spin to cover for the real story, maybe she is not being paid enough or not treated right by the promoters.
But I think the issue here is if the visa denial or delays are real, we need a change and we need it now. I know some might have been intimated by her curvy dance moves–the kind that terrorizes you. She also makes akilling in the show biz since the productions of her concerts been daubed as a blast. But I am sure none of that was going thought the States Department’s officer’s head as he denied them their visas and just like millions of Americans, Maryam is out of a job. So there you have it, Maryam and her band won’t be stimulating the Las Vegas economy.
Maryam Faris was part of the concert in which Amr Diab will be the headliner. Amr Diab, the biggest and perhaps most popular singer in the Arab world will be performing in Las Vegas this October 16th in the Grand Arena at MGM. This concert has been in the works for several months now and many fans have already bought their tickets for the concert to see their star live. I am guessing Amr Diab will do just fine to electrify his fans who will be coming from all over the West Coast to see him. The concert promoters might even be able find a plan b replacement to save the day, it has been done before.
It’s not like she moonlights as a terrorist! As for her band members, what a better cover for an Al-Qaeda (the base) extremists than to be a Al-Qaeda (base) player performing in the sin city for an risque intoxicated and buzzed crowd!
would you have given Maryam a visa?
dimanche 10 octobre 2010
Noor Mhanna Brings it BACK
Noor Mhanna - Win - / نور مهنا - وين
Nawal Al Zoghbi Forgives You!
Nawal Al Zoghbi - Amanah / نوال الزغبي - أمانة
samedi 9 octobre 2010
Arabic Gangsta Soundtrack Courtesy of Ahmad Saad
كليب احمد سعد لحظه ميلاد من فيلم الديلر Ahmad Saad
vendredi 8 octobre 2010
Fairouz فيروز "Eh Fee Amal" Is OUT!
Eh Fee Amal, transaltes "Yes, there is 'still' hope" and hope is more than what this album gives us. Fairouz still got it. 5 Decades and she still has it. 12 dazzling songs, at least 10 new materials and 2 older songs that have been rearranged musically. does she still have that warm voice? You bet! Can Fairouz still make you believe? You better.
finally is out in most Arab countries (Egypt not yet) to buy, please do not download this album and buy it. It's worth it.
To know how big this lady is easy, tickets for her concerts sell in less than a minute....kings, presidents, and wealthy individuals wish to get to meet this legend in person. She is the most famous Arab singer, even those who do not know the Arabic language still enjoy her music and her style.
I still have to get the album a good listen, but I am sure I won't be disappointed. Fairouz, is making it harder not to fall in love with her home country Lebanon where this legend calls it home. Fairouz please run for office!
Eh Fee amal .... Fairouz Samples 2010
mercredi 6 octobre 2010
The Best Arabic Guy Break up Song, EVER
But it's not until Mohammad Rashidy, the up and coming hip singer form Egypt that a song, one song can make you feel better about the breakup. Look no further than the title which translates into "Screw You!" I know this is how many guys feel after they have been dumped by those whom they fully loved.
In the song, this young singer asks his ex to allow him to kick off the auction to sell her for the highest bidder (she is materialistic I am guessing) He tells her he will tell the bidders, "A young woman that will make you happy every night"....etc. He calls her cheap and goes on. It's not till the last line of the song when you know your cure is coming. Mohammad tell her this, "About calling you cheap and the auction thing, this won't be my last thing to say" "SCREW You" he adds just when you thought he was going to apologize to his ex...he goes all in!
This was a treat and I enjoyed the rage, I can relate and so can almost all Arab guys out there.
ToZ Feeky اغنية محمد رشيدي - طز فيكى
lundi 4 octobre 2010
Joseph Attieh: Meet the Lebanese Josh Groban

Look no further than Lebanese singer Joseph Attieh to find him. Joseph is an alum of an Arab version of the American idol (Star Academy 2005).
Both stars are young, both stars have a dazzling voice with a dose of sadness in their vocal qualities. Both Joseph and Josh are loved by the ladies. And both know that their strong points are earned with the fans when they cover romance.
Joseph is well received in the Arab world, but he is not a household name. He is huge in Lebanon and his fan base closely resembles that of Mr. Groban's. Younger people and older women. As you can see in many of Joseph record signing (at virgin stores in Lebanon) you can always spot the older ladies who get excited upon siting Joseph.
Both Mr. Groban, Josephs have worked in acting. Joseph Attieh stared in a sitcom called "Jeeran" (Neighbors), both have a funny side where Mr. Groban sees himself as a comedian (SNL).
dimanche 3 octobre 2010
Shatha Hassoun, A success Story?
Shatha Hassoun - Essa3a / شذى حسون - الساعة
Finally, Some ROCKing Arabic Music
By Hanitizer
UTN1 has the honor to release the first Arabic rock music that grabbed my attention. UTN1 stands for unknown to no one which is really creative even for American band names. UTN1 is a four band members who come from Iraq and have been in the music scene since 2001, but judging from the number of hits they have on on their videos they are still an indie band.
Per Wikipedia, the band was founded by Shant Garabedian and Artin Haroutiounian who are of Iraqi Armenian descent. They were later joined by Hassan Ali Al-Falluji , Akhlad Raof and Nadeem Hamid, who left the group in 2009 for personal reasons.
I like the look, the lyrics and the entire atmosphere of their recent song. So give these guys a listen, you may find something to appreciate. Tet’thakkareen “do you remember?” is the name of the music video and it’s the name of their recently released album. Gives these guys a listen and remember nowadays to make Arabic music is easy, but to make good Arabic music while being Iraqi has to be tough. I am just glad to have discovered them to finally see a truly talented Arab band, not just a cute boy band which the Arab world is not short on. And maybe one day UTN1 can change their name to become known.
UTN1 – Tet’thakkareen /
vendredi 1 octobre 2010
Live Orchestra By A New Egyptian Comer
Fiha 7aga 7elwa
Meet Nourhann, the Arab Kim Kardashian

When it comes to empty celebrities the Arab world is just like America, we are rich!