mercredi 15 décembre 2010

Did This Director Stole Marc Anthony's Thunder

It's not new when we hear about an artist stealing the idea from another one, this is old. Many music videos steals "borrows" a concept form another, this happens all the time. Some make a big deal others do not. You can argue that some pay homage to the original artists, they are not reproducing the same concept, they are just using it as a template.

So now the time is back and Tamer Hosny is being accusing of stealing the idea of his previous music video from none other than Puerto Rican star Marc Anthony. They clips are awfully similar. the plot is identical, magazine shots, paparazzi, glamour jealousy and crazy fans. I think Marc by far has a lot more energy than Tamer and his songs more upbeat and fast paced than Tamer's. However, Tamer's song is a lot more romantic, it sounds like a plea and not a rant. There are essential the same idea where the media and the gossip world collide to make the Star's life a living hell. I do not buy that for a second but it makes a good music video concept....

On another note, Tamer please do something about those uni-brows you sport everywhere and hire directors who know what they are doing and that does not include them stealing from other world stars, you need someone who can give you a fresh concept. Please stop copying Amr Diab, you are not try to steal his Habibi Wala ala Balu club scene either.

Clip Tamer Hosny - Law Hakon Gher Lek | كليب تامر حسنى - لو هكون غير ليك

Marc Anthony - I've Got You

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