samedi 23 juillet 2011

Anti-Domestic Violence Touching Lebanese Song

Domestic violence and spousal abuse has no culture, creed or race. Most cultures struggles with this problem where mostly the man assaults their female partners. In very rare cases the female is the one doing the abuse. But most of the time it's the guy who loses control.

So that's' when Anwar El Amir, the handsome devil of Lebanese pop crafts this song in an effort to shame those who engage in domestic violence. This topic is often explored in movies and TV dramas, but rarely in music. So Anwar El Amir is venturing into an uncharted territory.

the man is in his mind, not his muscles, the person that assaults Eve is a fool not man, says the song. His voice is pretty manly without being Mr. Macho. He furthers says he will treat the one he likes as a queen. Guys say that often, but few deliver. No one has the right to abuse anybody--especially the ones that are loved ones. Those few need to see a doctor and need to have someone break their hands which they use to abuse their spouses.

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