mardi 19 juillet 2011

The Arab Ladies Clip From Star Acedemy

What does it take to make a very romantic songs that might have as well been written by angels and performed by half a dozen of them. It took three ladies to transform this song for a good song into a great one. While Egyptian singer Shreine has released this song few years ago, it has always been popular.

But with the aid of two other ladies with an amazing warm voice and style that is compatible with the song, on Star Academy this song took us on a journey into a very beautiful land. About the dream of a girl who falls in love with someone and makes it all work out.

Her dreams and wishes are simple, she wants him, a tiny home where there is a door to be locked and they have each other for the rest of their lives. I am glad they got Omayma, the Tunisian and Nesma, the Egyptian winner of Star Acedemy Season 8. To be frank this song will be around for some time.

ستار اكاديمي 8 - البرايم 14 - شيرين و نسمة و اميمة - بطمنك

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