She might be the oldest unmarred female Arab singer, she has the love of the people and she has rarely disappointed them with her art and her good heart. Some Tunisans are unhappy with her, due to her lack of support for the new change in her country. While she has tried to make amends, it seems that Latifa has to wait a bit longer.
In a recent interview for her on a popular Ramadan show,, she gave this candid interview where she spoke about a number of personal issues and she gave few zingers here and there."I have no secret relationships", "I have never been in love with a celebrity", "I was never in love with children of Arab dictators."
She denied the rumors that Alla, the younger son of Mubarak has proposed to her for marriage. She also said she was banned form entering Egypt in sometimes in the 80s, and 90s (I personalty do not believe that), she wouldn't elaborate on this mater. I do also believe her when he spoke about how of her work was censored from Egypt's TV.
نص الحقيقة - الحلقة 19 ( لطيفة ) - 2
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