jeudi 8 décembre 2011

This Guy Is Not A Singer, He Reads The Koran

He is 21 years old Egyptian student at the religious school Al-Azhar of Cairo, his name Mostafa Atif. He is not a singer, but he reads the Koran with her might voice, the internet raves about this young man and how soothing his voice is.

He is not a singer, but he does those religious hymns that have their time and place, there's a huge market in Egypt for this kind of music, they can also bring such talents at Islamic themed weddings.

I think Mostafa would do very well for himself, I only hope he makes good choices and not make stuff just for money. I want him to make all the money in the world, but that should not be the only reason he would work.

Here's his channel for more videos
اسمه مصطفى عاطف منشد و قارئ قرآن, طالب بكلية الدراسات الاسلامية و العربية جامعة الأزهر و عنده 21 سنة

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