jeudi 22 décembre 2011

2012 Ushers The Most Bizarre Arabic Music Video

Habiby Laa is a wonderful and dazzling music video, it has gotten everything right! The customs, the cinematography, and the colors. They created a picture worthy of a Disney fantasy world, they really did.

This is chalga/chalghi music which well known in Iraq, but also popular in a dozen of countries in Eastern Europe as well. In Bulgaria, the country of Cvetelina Aneva, Chalga music style is known as "pop folk"

An Iraqi and a Bulgarian duet, whoever thought of that should that should be hired to make science fiction movies. I know there are many Iraqis married to ladies from Eastern Europe as they used to study in colleges in those countries under the Saddam regime.

The back story where men are betting on women and ladies guarded with men dancers seems a bit outlandish to me. But as a work of art, this music video is pretty magical.

Reda Al Abdallah & Cvetelina Aneva - Habiby Laa

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