samedi 29 mai 2010

Bizarre Duos: Nancy and K’naan “Wave their Flags” to Promote the World Cup

Bizarre Duos: Nancy and K’naan “Wave their Flags” to Promote the World Cup

By Maytha

In the vein of such musical pairings as Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney in “Say, Say, Say”…and a Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney in “Ebony and Ivory,” this video feels like a bizarre crossings of genres and demographic audiences.

K’naan opens the video rapping as an awkward dance routine-leading, botched up plastic surgery mess Nancy Ajram is interspliced between footage of Arabs and Africans cheering for a Coca-Cola World Cup commercial music video. Why? i don’t understand…maybe some of you out there can shed some light:

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