jeudi 17 juin 2010

A Song for Algeria by أمل بوشوشة

Team Algeria has been doing horribly for the past 6 months, they lost a game against Slovenia, they should no class and they played dirty....I am sort of like "C'mon" I know Egypt would have been a better team....but that does not stop Arab singers from singing for Algeria the only Arabic team in the world cup 2010. If the Algerian players needed a song to relax to and get them to warm up to a game, this might be the song to do it. But when they meet the UK tomorrow, they might need more than a Algerian win will be unlikely....

Amel Bouchoucha "أمل بوشوشة", the Algerian native wanted to share her song about the love she has for her country's team. I find it ironic when the Algerian team said we are representative of the Arabs in the World Cup, but the only time they said that when they were LOSING

By the way, I have much respect for the country of Algeria, the history, the people and their resilience, but I think their soccer team is not representative of their aspirations.

Amel Bouchoucha Batal Al Alam Arabi Fifa World Cup 2010

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