vendredi 14 janvier 2011

Ahmed El Cherif, The Tunisian Rock Star

The dude graduate from Star Academy and rock boy who is both charming and well dressed still makes music and looks good doing it. He has two albums under his belt and now he is talking about his third album. He does have the fan base, his followers love his music, but the question is can he still rock on after his marriage and his baby boy?

Ahmed El Charif gave an interview to Elaph about his latest as he was working in his production company's office. Sure he is Tunisian and it's tough to be from there now as things seem to be all but stable. Some might think Ahmed is a pretty boy, he does seem to use that aspect of his persona and style where he goes to great length in his outfits. He is like the Kanye West in that regard.

What I like about the pop star is his ability to introduce new songs and his near perfect skills to manipulate his voice to make the song stand out and thus become a hit. He did that in pretty much every song he recorded. He also knows his style and does not try to stray from it like trying to deliver songs that requires high notes.

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