jeudi 26 mai 2011

Go Remy, Come Remy, Funny Remy

Remy is among the funniest Arabs in North America, he is by far the most popular one on the internet, he is the hit maker and his channel views go in the millions and appeal to pretty much anyone anywhere. Yes, he reaches out to Arabs, Americans and the rest of the world.

He came out few years ago with a number of hit rap songs that were mocking a number of issues of social and political nature. He also does stand up comedy, but he is better known for his funny songs loaded with zingers and many servings of cultural observations. While some opinionated commentators take issues with him lampooning and stereotypical Arabic and Muslim culture, I think his jokes help a lot in making Arabs and Muslims look more human.

He has been featured on many world publications via video, audio and written media, he is that sensational, and he is a pleasant guy to hang around with. This Virginia kid who knows how to crack a joke, write a funny tune and play jingles on his guitar. He is performing around the country with his jokes and music hand in hand, and I see a lot more laughs in him. Just check his facebook page or his YouTube channel.

Abraham Lincoln: The Poem

Metro Song

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