mardi 24 mai 2011

Mohamed Dagher is Not Gay Says Medical Report

It's official the state medical examiner in Egypt has ruled about those rumors about slain Egyptian fashion designer being homosexual. The suspend, he admitted to killing the popular fashion designer Mohamed Dagher in his Cairo apartment after Dagehr asked solicited it sex from him.

Sure, the media loves to believe those stores and rumors about the young man. This was untrue as now the medial reports has ruled out. The report also countered one more argument Dagher was not intoxicated at the time of the crime. The suspected stated that Dagher was drunk.

So I am now concluding that this young unemployed man who killed the beloved fashion designer is going to be hanged for his unspeakable crime. Needless to say the family of Dagher is relived with those news that the memory of their son is not going to be tainted with those now false allegations.

On other news, I just found out that the fashion designer had performer a song before and has a music video for it, I thank YouTube for that. See how fashion and dazzling outfits play a role in this music video.

Mohamed Dagher with mai ezz el dien

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