dimanche 24 juillet 2011

Badreya Al Said, Egypt's Lady of Folklore

Made her career in the 1950s in the city of Alexandria, doing local songs, folklore songs and whater the sea inspires her to sing about. She was a member of some local bands, and worked with musicians who gave her some of their finest melodies namely Mohamma Hamaki, not the singer. Hamaki used to work at the Alexandria radio and was pleased with Badrya's voice.

She was later named the emperor of local songs, "Imbaratorat Al Ghena'a Al Shabey" امبراطوره الاغنيه الشعبيه و الموال Now, I will ask my dad about her as he lived on that city in the 70s, she was around there. She passed away in 1989, leaving a great archive of some of the finest All Egyptian songs.

I have been listening to her old hits music for straight two days and I am happy to report that this lady had what it takes to get you tuned in. Flirting with the sea man whom she has a crush on. Then talks about Hamoodah who stole heart. Then there is the darker side of her songs where she has been betrayed her or those who have forgotten about her. Anyhow, if you want a voice that poor folks who don't read and those educated ones with a soft spot in their heart for peasant and sea side songs can sit next to each other and enjoy.

She also has many recorded concerts at different functions. The quality of the recordings are a mixed bag. But the the quality of the songs are terrific.

بدرية السيد -من فوق شواشي الذرة

بدرية السيد أحمد ويا احمد.wmv

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