mardi 16 août 2011

"Al Rayan" TV Drama About Greed

Making a TV project about a real life person who scammed people of their heard earned money is not new. It became popular in 2008 with the meltdown and the financial crisis. But they still make them today and will make them tomorrow. This Ramadan however, Arab audience had a date with a biopic based on the life of a real life scam artist Al Rayan.

In the 80s came this soft spoken man who looked like a religious person who can do no wrong and he came up with a plan to scam people and take their money from them. The greedy and unassuming people gave him millions and he was happy to take in their money and give little back. Rocking the world of money in Egypt and ending up in jail for many years.

I have not seen the drama yet, but all reviews have been positive and the person whose life is the inspiration of the work has threaten to sue. Which makes the show worthy of that attention. Better yet Fadel Shaker did the theme song for the show and it's in pure Egyptian talking about this scam artists and his ploys.

فضل شاكر - مسلسل الريان / تتر النهاية - رمضان

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