lundi 27 février 2012

11 Arab Dance Party Buzzkills

What do bored young professional Arab living away from home do for fun? the Club no longer does it, and a hookah would be good. Local Arabic restaurants, lounges bring a DJ, and dim the lights. In theory, patrons should dance, the Rest is up to your imagination. Here are few mode spoilers for those feeling frisky.
  1. The Word Halal in scripted anywhere, “Halal Juice Bar”, “Halal Meat”
  2. A Guy with camera, a YouTube account or a Facebook page.
  3. Too many people with homeless boobs syndrome.
  4. An obnoxious DJ who is still single.
  5. A Sleazy older man who won’t stop staring.
  6. That hard to please bitter and judgmental single lady who “found” herself at the party
  7. A Salafi door bouncer--nobody gets in.
  8. The guy who thinks he is at a strip club
  9. A smoke machine when there are a thousand and one hookah.
  10. Love A song so much, yet wait until someone drags you to the dance floor
  11. If they dance in the first hour, they are whores, all bets are off in the final 15 minutes of the night.

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