jeudi 23 février 2012


The first indigenous social networking site, Etighi chat debuted on Tuesday and the site has had an amazing number of visitors. learnt from Nature Udoh who is the brain behind etighichat that with just two days of test-run, close to nine thousand people have registered. Below is what the CEO of Nature Udoh & the Gang posted this on his Facebook wall this morning:
Just 2 days of test running and about 8,375 people have registered as of 8 a.m today. To GOD be the Glory. The mobile application will be available next week to enable members chat with their phones. ETIGHI started as a joke, then a dance and now a social network. we're so proud of this 100% Naija and proudly Akwa Ibom brand. Be part of history. share ETIGHI CHAT on your wall and invite your family, friends and love ones. Pls we cannot succeed alone, your contributions and constructive criticism will be welcome. Lots of love, NATURE UDOH, the gang leader.
You can visit to register.

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