mercredi 31 octobre 2012

Video: Arab Celebrities Combating Negligible HIV/SIDA

I am not in denial, there are people living with HIV in the Middle East, we cannot all hide and pretend it does not exist. It does, but it's not a problem really. Not too many of us, Arabs live or know anyone who has it. Sure it happens to a lot of innocent people too. It's prevalent in places where they are open to other cultures---Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco whose immigrants and tourists go all over the world. Still in those countries, they really do not have many. 

Celebrities enter the picture and they make it all glamorous to have HIV/SIDA with sexy dancers, pop songs and the whole 9 years. I know Shatha Hassoun did a number in Morocco urging people to get tested. Now, comes another celebrity who has found a cause. It doe snot matter if the cause does not exist on a significant level--she just wants in.

Maya Diab, the Lebanese bombshell pop songstress and TV host had a fashion show, and dance  to spread awareness about HIV. They are on TV blaming healthy people for not being cool with the this diseases. They are talking about services. They want to stir up trouble to get funding from some group. I am all with giving medicine to those who needs it. The money should be used for services, not for a fashion show.

السيدا: قضية مايا دياب الجديدة

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