The Red Cross put together a music festival for peace, non-violence, non-discrimination, tolerance and mutual understanding. The event was called Salam. Needless to say, a number of Lebanese celebrities attended and performed at the event. To show their appreciation the good people at the Lebanese Red Cross held an ward ceremony for those celebrities that have supported the event
- Pop star Saad Ramadan took part of the festival and received a certificate from the organized for his services.
- Lebanon's finest manly voice Hisham Hajj was given a recognition certificate
- Lebanese actor Carlos Azar was also given an appreciation certificate.
- Marwan Al Shami wasn't present, but he was recognized for his donated time.
- Stephanie Fakhih also participated in the Salam music event and was recognized -even though she was in Morocco for the award event.
Mid Day News 21 Nov 2012 - الصليب الأحمر يكرم الـmtv
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