mardi 28 mai 2013

Photos: Newborn Chinese Baby Rescued Alive From Toilet Pipe After Being Flushed Away By Mum

The firefighters worked quickly to dismantle the pipe and rescue the trapped youngster, who was heard wailingDoctors carefully cut around the sewage pipe to rescue the baby boy inside
At a public toilet on the fourth floor firefighters were able to hear faint cries and, exploring further, spotted a baby's foot deep inside the pipeThe newborn baby was rescued by firefighters after being flushed down a toilet
Firefighters received a call from a landlady of a block of flats in eastern China saying that she thought a baby was trapped in a toilet pipe in the building as she had heard it crying on Saturday afternoon. Firefighters had to remove the pipe and take it to a nearby hospital, where doctors carefully cut around it to rescue the baby boy inside. 

Too much evil in this world. Another photo when you continue

Nurses treat the baby, who was believed to be only a few days old when he was flushed away
Nurses treat the baby, who was believed to be only a few days old when he was flushed away

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