jeudi 3 mars 2011

The Narcicyst: The Arab Hip Phenomena

There are rappers who hit it big and do good with their rap and there are those who make a quick buck and leave with no mentionable legacy. This one is about the former. There are hundreds of Arab rappers who do all kind of songs. I like many of them, but few of them can intrigue me as the Narcicyst can.

This Iraqi born, raised in Dubai who calls North America a home rapper is one of a kind, his lyrics are loaded with meaning in both Arabic and English, driving his message in such poetry that is truly fresh. He is not the kind of rappers silly people like, he the rapper of the intellectuals as well as the common man.

The Narcy is a student of politican secine so you never miss that in his raps that have powerful massages about the social, political and cultural issues of our time, including the 9/11 attacks, the US-led invasion of Iraq, Islamophobia and the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

He has toured the globe performing live shows across Canada, Europe, the United States and the Middle East, often backed by a live band and vocalists. He has also opened for a number of high profile acts like Public Enemy, Busta Rhymes, Talib Kweli, Kanye West as well as others. The Narcy has a unique vocal set that serves as his brand. Not only does he rule the world of Arabic rap, he has been profiled in many publications like the New York Times, CNN, BBC and Aljazeera.

I like many thins about this rapper, I love his style, and his outfits live the part of being true to rap without being thuggish. His dazzling outfits are the envy of many rappers both Arab and American ones. His often timely work, media presence and savvy ways makes you proud to be an Arab because there is always the Narcicyst to express what goes on your mind in a better way than most can muster.

"Hip Hop Homies" Part 1 - The Narcicyst a.k.a. Narcy - NYC Freestyle

The Narcicyst featuring Shadia Mansour "Hamdulillah" Official Music Video

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