mercredi 11 mai 2011

Layla Murad, Baligh Hamdy Sing Along

This interview is like hopping in a Time Machine and going to the time my parents loved and made them who they are. I have always been a fan of Lyla Murad here voice speaks to all my senses and I feel her voice bringing closer to my mother who I do not see much of her anymore.

Lyla is one of those true Arab artists that had a perfect voice, but her fame was due to her unlimited emotions she is able to plug into her music and transforms you from a listener to a participant, a dreamer of sort too. She quit singing while she was in the peak of her career and her looks were still captivating.

And then there is Baligh Hamdy one of the rare Arab composers, he has more hits than history can remember, if you like an old song by any Arab singer in the 60s, 70s, 80s chances are Baligh was there and made it better.

We do not really get many interviews with those legends, yet alone in interview with them in colors where they get to talk, sing together and laugh.

Layla Murad, Baligh Hamdy, Suzanne Ateyyah, and Tawfiq Fareed, are singing "Ya-msafer Wahdak" ,played on Uud by Baligh Hamdy
ليلى مراد وبليغ حمدي - لقاء نادر - Layla Murad, Baligh Hamdy

ليلى مراد ( ليه خلتنى احبك ) اغنيه حزينه من اروع اغانيها

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