lundi 9 mai 2011

Syrian Singer Asalah Taks a Stand Against The Assad Regime

While Lebanese singers are busy recording love songs for Bashar Al Assad and his army that has been killing hundreds and injuring thousands, one of those most charismatic and energizing Syrian singer came out in support of the protest and the revolutionaries of her country. Asala Nasry is with the people and not with the regime.

It seems that the great majority of Syrian celebrates have chosen the side of the brutal dictator and his security militias this large than life singer came out in time to support the change movement in her country. "I refuse to take part of those meet with Bashar Assad acts", where Syrian and Arab celebrities line up to meet with the leader...said Asalah Nasry. To read more in Arabic on Asalah's interview click here

While I have always liked Asalah, now I have more reason to like her: here is a short list of few Arab celebrities that came out in support of the brutal dictator and his army:

  1. Lebanese Faris Karam recorded a song for Assad and released it few days ago. Mr. Karam sees nothing wrong with the murders that have been taking place in Syria. Too bad I thought you are really dope!
  2. Lebanese Najwa Karam has also recorded a song for Syria and its lion leader who is only tough on his own people and offers Israel nothing but love. She has also recorded a song for the Lebanese army that does nothing so not sure what to make of it.
  3. Lebanese Mai Hariri also recorded and released a love song for Assad and his army, she called it a song of appreciation. too bad Mai has no appreciation for the fallen in Syria.
  4. Samo Zain took part of a rally for Syria in fromt of the Syrian embassy in Cairo, the rally was pro Assad rally not prop Syria, this singer started really well and wanted to released a song for the fallen, but since then it seems that his brain has fallen.
  5. Asai Hilani, this guy sings for anyone with power, so he almost never sings a song fro the heart, if you give him 5 thousand dollars, he will writer you a song, I think
  6. Melhim Zain, the Lebanese song sent Syria a flirt and prays God will protect it, but no one asking for less than that. We just do not want the regime to be protected.
  7. Mohammad Iskandar, the ladies man, who also sings for the young ladies who are at leas half of his age, cuts no corner he wants Bashar to be in charge for ever.

تقرير: فنانو لبنان يتضامنون مع سوريا الأسد

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