Shady El Ghetany is a welcome addition to the Egyptian pop music scene A guy who sounds sweet but also rocks hard. He released a new album, his first with a clever title of "I I Didn't Like Her Almost". Let's rock this record industry with artists like Shady who looks the part. The album comes in six tracks including one remix. He is musician by training who performs with his hard, mind and soul.
1- Tariban M7bthash, Rock music has now crashed unto Egypt, thanks to Shady who have figured a way to make this music a vehicle to deliver a romantic song. A happy song coming from a guy who looks the part. This is a story about a girl that 's in love with herself and not the guy.
2- Mish Di El7btha, a softer version of a really good pop song. Shady nails a bittersweet song about falling in love with someone who changes colors. A very Egyptian song about being good, but preserving your dignity. A good addition to a hot album.
3- la2et Wa7da, a happy song with Egyptian pop music written all over it. An upbeat song with a high energy and sweet lyrics about growing up and moving forward with the right person once found.
4- Alf zekra, a sobering track with great guitar work. This track is about the good memories that can save any serious relationship from going bust.
5- Awel ma 3neeky, a pop song made for those who want to wake up together. A romantic song meant for women and guys who have never been with one. A sweet opportunity for Shady to show her softer side in style.
6-Tariban Riemax
Shady El Ghetany PROMO - برومو "تقريباً ما حبتهاش" شادي الغيطاني
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