lundi 29 octobre 2012

What Not To Love With Khaled Al Haber?!

Khaled Al Haber is a Lebanese singer, is an intellect and a musician. He has sharp observations about the Arab people and the leadership of their land which he turns into critical songs. Aside from that he has romantic songs. But the guy focuses on tackling issues of the day, while his hear beats Lebanese, he is a proud Arab and it shows in his song sections and music

Khaled Al Haber Is the Lebanese version of the iconic Egyptian musician Sheikh Imam who authored similar songs with Egypt in the zoom. Both of them like to make sarcastic songs about very dark and complicated subject. While Sheikh Imam picked a lute, Khaled picked his guitar and made songs starting from the days of the civil war till today.

He makes songs, and had a recent appearance in a packed Beirut concert. He is an activist a do gooder and a guy who likes to make much that challenges people by pleasing them.

khaled al haber asnam al arab خالد الهبر- اصنام العرب

سنديانة حمرا - خالد الهبر

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