jeudi 17 février 2011

If This Fairoz Song Doen't Move You, You Must Be Dead

Enough has been said about the dreamiest voice that has ever walked on this earth, her voice is the voice of water slipping on some tropical leave, then gently falling on your face to wake you up, this is how I would describe this diva's voice.

There is a debate about what is the best Fayroz song, this debate does not have to be settled today or any time soon, she has a 50 year history of iconic archive that fits one's life when they are up when they are down. when they are heart broken and when they are giddy. When they are broke and when they are rich.

Luckily, someone dear to me have introduce me to this song of hers and ever since I am feeling that Fayroz is the gift that keeps on giving, you can never know all her songs, it's almost impossible. What is possible however is to enjoy each song of hers as the fruit if countless hours of creative work from the best Arabic music team has ever been assembled.

What's your favorite song of hers?
فيروز - ليالى الشمال الحزينة ..... Fairoz LyaLy el shemal el 7azena

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