Shireen Abedelwahab needs no introduction, she is the modern day music phenomena of Egypt. Her voice is Oum Kalthoum grade. She does long tough to perform songs like a breeze. she has a pop persona too and can crank hits like few others can. She has been granted this voice and she seems to contently carry out projects that redefine her in a great and a pleasant way.
Ahmed Saad, is now considered the best voice among the Egyptian males. His very sad voice that can make you cry like the Mississippi blues wish they can. His signature voice and style are hard to come by and no one can hold a note as well as Ahemd can. He is the go to guy when you need to create a very melodramatic tense moment.
This clip of those very capable voice meet and perform one of Shireen's older songs, and make a quick put stop revising some of the oldies. Man do they take time to make this song even better? It's like a duel both artists trying to best each other in a very positive way. Those are the best live voices in Egypt at least among the younger artists. Both give you a round-trip to a Tarab session that can stay with you for some time.
Ahmed Saad and Shreen Garh tany اغنية جرح تاني - أحمد سعد و شرين
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