samedi 15 octobre 2011

Amal Maher Awesome Sounding Poem Song

Amal Maher takes you back and you are happy to go with her. Sure now is better than yesterday, it really is. But there are meaning that seem to stay at the time when they happen. Amal Maher knows to bring those feelings back to life and remind you of how the past was great, but today where Amal lives is the worth living.

By her own admission, Amal said last week, I am not the Oum Kolthouom of this time. I think this is really smart to say. She is Amal Maher, the singer that is trying to build her own image out of the Shadow of the singers whose songs she covered so well. That frees her to innovate and do something new, make a music video and embrace a bold look.

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