lundi 31 octobre 2011

Cima Ali Baba, First Arabic Double Feature

The double feature consists of two feature-length segments, this was a trend back in the early days of cinema, they give you two movies for the price of one, and yes there's an intermission in between. It was brought back by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. in the Grindhouse Death proof film combo.

This time Egyptian funny man Ahmed Mekky is bringing it to Arabia. with one movie that has two acts of two unrelated movies. The first is about space and star wars, the second is about a rooster who rules over an animal farm. So far the trailers look really funny, but that doesn't mean the movie will be great--usually Ahmed Mekky delivers the good stuff. the space saga is where a common man with a fast mouth and a low IQ has been abducted to experiment on him, so far it has generated the most buzz.

I am impressed by the makeup, the special affects and the customs, this is some tough work. We will find out soon in time for the Eid if this movie will be worth it.

تريلر ١ فيلم احمد مكي "سيما علي بابا"-Ahmed Mekky Cima Ali Baba 1

تيزر ٢ فيلم احمد مكي "سيما علي بابا"-Ahmed Mekky Cima Ali Baba Teaser2

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