mardi 18 octobre 2011

Salah Al Zadjali: First Mainstream Omani Singer

the Arab Gulf loves music and high value poems that speak of passion, love and loyalty. And then the pop stars who take a serious note, but make their music light enough to be liked be the young ones, played on the radio and offer some meaning that the adults can also appreciate.

A good romance story is all it takes for making a music video in the Gulf. This handsome singer for the tiny country of Oman where pop is not a big deal and TV is only watched for local news. Thus comes the first mainstream singer from that country to please the rest of the Gulf.

The music video offers some youthful look, good looking models and droves of young studs. This is a really good song that reminds of me of Iraqi musician/singer Walid El Chamy. I really appreciate the retro look and the sense of humor Salah Al Zadjaali have shown in this clip. Do you detect some India Bollywood influence in this music video?

كليب عيار - صلاح الزدجالي Salah Al Zadjali Ayaar

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