The deal Esau made goes down as one of the worst of all time. I guess if you had been without food for 3 days, I might makes some bad decision too. Esau says what good is a birthright when I am about to die? Who told Esau he was about to die? Satan. Who told me I would not make it through college? Satan. I know he come to steal , kill and destory So Esau gave up privilege that went to the firstborn. But when he got older he remember what he gave up too late. He threw it all away in a moment of weakness. He went after the wrong things married the wrong women. His brother may have been a con-man but Esau was a fool. In the heat of passion he sold out for a quick fix. Some times I feel like I have forfeited my God-given destiny like Esau did. Some values in life are absolute. Don't throw your life away on things that don't matter. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.( Rev 2:10 ).
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