You’ve met them before. There are people whose walk with God is always "Wonderful!" I remember a lady who used to always tell everyone that she was doing "Super!." I know another lady, quite a bit older than she, who always said that she was doing "Marvelous." One woman used to always reply to the "How’s your day going?" question by saying "Bless!"
OK…I don’t want to knock those replies. After all, those are often very fitting answers to the question, "How are you doing?" They may very well fit the day. But ALL the time?(come on ) I don’t think so. At least that is not my experience in walking with Jesus. Some days are wonderful. Others maybe painful, hard, and difficult.
I have some days when I seem to say all the wrong things to the people I love most. I have some days when my thoughts seem silly, trivial, or just downright sinful. I have some days when most, if not all, of my attempts seem to result in dead ends. At the end of the day, it all feels futile. I have some days when I feel defeated. So–I am so thankful for the Psalms. In David’s life, everyday was not a wonderful, super, fantastic day. In fact, David also had some very rough days:
To you I call, O Lord my Rock;
do not turn a deaf ear to me.
For if you remain silent,
I will be like those who have gone down into the pit.
Hear my cry for mercy
as I call to you for help,
as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place…
(Ps. 28:1-2) I come away from such a Psalm remembering that my walk with Jesus does not mean that I now only experience positive, joyful emotions. There are also the tough emotions that I will experience at times. So I want to pray with David in Ps. 17:8: Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings…
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