If you were passing by your life, what would you smell? A bed of roses? or a hog pen full of slop ? Quite often, what our ears, eyes and hand miss our nose can detect. The sense of smell is also quite useful because it evokes memories.
When you get a whiff of something, you can be thrown back into a memory of something that happened, how it happened and whether or not you liked what happened. I am from the South so in the spring time when the honeysuckers are in full bloom that smell takes me back to my very early child hood. How growing up in the country will wild flowers every where and life being so simple. For the last couple of years my life have not smell like I want it to smell. It has been smelling like a hog pen and slop every where. I hope to smell the roses soon. So what have your life been smelling like honestly? Is it a bed of roses are you in the hog pen of life?
I can smell that hog pen miles away. I am at this moment trying to remember that rose scent. I am not were I want to be right now I am struggling with life. I have some changes I have to make in 2008 and some people want like but ,I got to put myself back in my own life. My son is looking at some time behind prision walls. I have worked hard at trying to keep my son from being a nother black man behind bars but, all my effort did not pay off. To me that is one of the hardest thing a mother can face. He will be sentence on Jan 7 that is not the way to start the year off. But, my prayer is for God to save him and use him in a mighty way for the Kingdom even if it is by the way of the system. So what scent are you smelling right now in life roses or a stinky hog pen?
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