vendredi 4 mars 2011

Hossam and Ibrahim Hassan Threaten the Fans

Hossam and Ibrahim Hassan, the twins who run the Zamalk Sport Club in Egypt, the second most popular sport club in the 85 million people nation. This due has always been a polarizing figures in sports. they are hot blooded and often say crazy stuff, but they did well for the Zamalik sport club and has taken it into new territories...and gain new fans.

So these guys felt save and lead protests in support of the Mubarak Regime, they insulted the protesters in Tahrir and asked to starve them by asking the army to enforce a siege on them and forbid the entry of food and medications to Tahrir. Yes, they wanted Tahrir Square to be like Gaza Strip. The due brothers have called for the use of water pipes to disperse those protesters and did everything they can to support Mubarak. Hossam and Ibrahim sent their star players to Tahrir to ask the protesters to go home. It did not work and Muabrak eventually left.

So what can the Hossam and Ibrahim Hassan do. They tried to pretend nothing has happened and that everything is ok. But that did not work as those two guys were solid Mubarak vocal cheerleaders. When all failed, the brothers held a press conference today on Wednesday March 9, 2011 and said this (link), "If you do not stop making fun of us, we will leave and go work in the UAE soccer league"

Hossam said that he does not want to leave unless the Zamalik board of directors and fans see it's the best thing. He denied that he was a spokesperson for Mubarak, but said he wanted the stability of Egypt. If this was true, did they think that starving the protesters and killing hundreds of them was stability? Tough sell twins...maybe you should have only stuck to soccer, your bread and butter.

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