jeudi 3 mars 2011

Kazim Al Saher Will Be Quiting After Gilgamesh

Iraqi composer, singer Kadim Al Sahir has stated few days ago that he is at this point of his life where he is considering retirement from his music career spanning over 3 decades. The phenomenal music icon and fixture of fine Arabic music is tired of travel, commitments, and working hard to keep up his edge over other musicians and entertainers in the world of find Arabic music.

But Kadim made one thing clear, he won't be turning off his microphone and abandoning his lute until his work on the very Iraqi Gilgamesh epic is complete. See for years now, Kadim has been working to bring on of the ancient Iraqi epic stories of all time to theater. Kadim is doing the music and in the interview below he says he is done putting it. The old poem is the earliest surviving piece of Mesopotamian literature. A tale of love, friendship and power.

Karim Al Iraqi, the famous Iraqi poet is putting the lyrics of the play with inspiration of the original tale. Italian musicians have been tapped to lead the orchestra. Some Hollywood types (I think he might have meant Broadway) will be doing the spacial affects. This is the epic story that millions of Iraqis want to see come to life. I think this would be a worthy project where Kadim can deliver one last note of some great musical work to add to his legacy.

Kazem Talks About "Epic of Gilgamesh"القيصر يتحدث عن جلجامش

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