jeudi 3 mars 2011

The Sad Case of Taalat Zakaria

One of the troubles people have gotten themselves into is by brown nosing the wrong person. Many Egyptian celebrities supported the revolution, others did not. A tiny of them made it their mission to insult and defame the protesters. That's where Taalat Zakaria comes in. The Egyptian actor who has appeared in a dozen of movies in comedic roles, none of those movies actually have a plot you would remember. Although Taalat has few funny lines here and there.

Taalat was one of the few celebrities that had a one on one meeting with the President because when Taalat was ill, Mubarak authorized for the actor to receive treatment and the people of Egypt through taxes paid for it. Instead of thanking the people, he chose to suck up to Mubarak. Eventually the president met with him. Taalat put himself to be a mouthpiece for the regime. And after Mubarak's second speech where he said neither he nor his son will running again. Taalat said, "Mubarak told me that in our private meeting, but I forget to mention it" Of course no one believed it and Taalat changed the story later since Mubarak was not too happy about the fake quote.

Taalat appeared on a number of talk shows and defamed the protesters, labeled them as druggies and sexual monster who want to abuse women. And he refused to change that claim ever since he said it on live TV more than once. This was told as the Mubarak snipers were gunning innocent civilians and assassination whoever they did not like and releasing thugs to prey on people.

Clearly, whoever told this man to go on TV and spread lies was hoping that the people will keep their children at home and not send them to protest, scar tactics as you might call it. Egyptians are too familiarl with this old trick. Lies he told
  1. I did not insult all the protesters, just a tiny group of them. No you did loud and clear.
  2. My movies address the the same things the youth ask for. Not really, the movie you made about being the president's personal chef was defending the president.
  3. I did not say the protesters were doing drugs, just some people. No, you used blank statements.
  4. There are crazy parties, drums and dances. They had drums, but no one reported on crazy raves.
  5. There are full sexual relationships happening in Tahrir Square. That's a big whopper
  6. I was worried about the protesters from those drug junkies. No you weren't stop re-writing history.
  7. The protesters love me, they are my fan base. Read the comments on any article, video or comment you make, they freaking hate your lying face.
  8. I took part of the protest, I was wearing an Kaffyah to hide my face. Do I laugh of cry here?
  9. I saw people taking drugs and molesting women in Tahrir Square. Yes, like the bearded men and the educated kids would let this happen at their watch.
  10. My son took part of the protest, so I did not insult the protesters. You son is a self made asshole, he does not go to serious events, only parties.
  11. He is now back with a perfect lie, two officers in the Egyptian army told him about the sexual harassment in Tahrir Square. (link)
Here is the interview where he made some of those outlandish claims, just apologize and move on. Stop damaging your name by being too removed from reality. I understand you are trying to make nice with people as you have a big movie where Taalat Zakaria gets the lead role, this movie will tank and you have yourself to blame.

طلعت زكريا يتهم ثوار ميدان التحرير بالمخدرات والجنس Talat Zakaria

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