jeudi 3 mars 2011

The Hamas Song

So these guys do not like to incorporate any musician instrument in their songs, just your average drum. Giving those songs essentially one beat...and a million songs wrote to it. Sure the pick the best voices to compensate for the lack of music, but the messages are often the star of those songs.

Every regime, movement needs some thing to rally around, they get their flags, and their songs. Hamas is no different in that sense. Their executive Force, the better trained police Force unit that is manning the streets of Gaza have this song as their song of choice. There is a market for those kind of one beat songs, the radios and Hamas parties use them, as well their TV channel.

Think of this song as your college song/ anthem. It's a lecture in history, being tough and being known for sacrificed and love of God and country. Notice, they started doing these songs years ago, they use young men with dazzling voices, and more recently they started using children who tend to have better voices. But absolutely no woman voice.

نشيد مين الي قال القوة التنفيذية Nasheed Meen Eli Kaal hamas

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