mercredi 24 octobre 2012

This Song Lampoons Sheikh Of Qatar's Politics

The Jerusalem native, and Arab nationalist singer Ahmad Dari is doing something different. While most in Palestine and the world cheered the Sheikh of Qatar's visit to the Gaza Strip, Ahmad is not buying it. He is mad at everyone including the people of Gaza--Palestinians like himself.

But the zingers are not geared toward the poor people of Gaza, but the politicians there who according to the artists have turned the Strip into a company. He is grilling the Sheikh for his friendship with Israeli politicians. He even lampoons Doha, Ahmad is calling on the Sheikh to visit Tel Aviv too as he has friends there too.

To be clear, the singer is calling Gaza is the land of dangers, stop fooling with Gaza, the blame rests with those who have received you. They have turned the cause into a bubble gum which everyone is chewing on. I hate politics myself  but if the Qataris want to do good in Gaza, they should not be punshied. But if this is part of a bigger game, you star losing people.

 حولتوا غزة شركة، أحمد داري. GazaCo, Ahmad Dari

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